There is an irony related to that in the newest developments, that the memo that pertained to your wife’s CIA work was marked, in essence, Top secret, shut up about this, yet the prosecutor is reportedly more focused on the prospects of a perjury case or perhaps a conspiracy case. In terms of the prosecution here, do the particulars matter to you, do they matter to your wife, what, if any, charges are filed here?
WILSON: Well, I think Mr. Fitzgerald is going to obviously have the last word on that, and I haven’t spoken to him in almost a year-and-a-half, so I have no idea where he’s headed in his investigation. But irrespective of whether he — he indicts or declines to indict, we know have, thanks to Mr. Cooper and his notes, documentary evidence that Karl Rove gave him — gave up my wife’s identity. He can call her “Wilson’s wife,” but when you say, “Wilson’s wife,” I have only one wife, and that is Valerie Wilson.
OLBERMANN: On another matter related to this, on Monday, the president said that if anybody in his administration was guilty of a crime in revealing your wife’s work, they would no longer be working in his administration. What do you make, what did you make of that statement in the context of Mr. Bush’s previous statements and his press secretary’s previous statements about people who might have been involved in the government and might have been involved in leaking your wife’s identity?
WILSON: When the compromise of Valerie’s identity first took place and it was traced back to the senior administration officials, that was a breach of trust between the White House and our clandestine service. When the president changes his tune on this — and in June of 2004, he said that he would fire anybody who was involved in the leak, and he backtracks on that, I think it’s a breach of trust with the American people. This president has said that he’s a man of his word, his word is his bond, he’s a straight shooter. And now — now it appears that he’s not. It appears that he’s willing to go back on that word. And I think that compounds the breach of trust with the clandestine services, as well as with the American people.