Nashua Report: Breakfast of Champions
I'm writing from the ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua. Here at "Breakfast with the Candidate," the buffet has been left uneaten. While the muffins get cold in the lobby, 300 folks of all ages are packed into the ballroom, hungry for change in our democracy. Dean is on the stage now, and the weekend bump in the Zogby/MSNBC poll -- showing Dean and Kerry in a dead heat -- is showing here on the ground in a big way. Governor Dean is getting a big laugh talking about healthcare: "What about the Costa Ricans?" someone hollers, and the place erupts. "Who says you can't have some fun at the same time you're running for president?" Another standing ovation and chants of "Howard! Howard! Howard!"
The cameras are clicking from a wall of press and TV reporters, but the real excitement here is much more simple--it's a community. A roomful of ordinary Americans, tired of being divided, tired of feeling powerless, coming together to restore our republic--to participate in our own government. The questions are starting: the first question comes from a woman who describes herself as a mother and full-time caregiver. Howard tells her that just across the border in Vermont, she and her children would have health care. Hands are shooting up in the air. Next question: "When you get to be president, are you going to have a pollster like Karl Rove at every meeting to tell you what to think?" Dean responds that his pollsters job is to figure out what people think after he says them. Another huge round of applause. What they see in the Governor who can not only deliver a good speech, but who has delivered results. And with the energy on the ground in New Hampshire today, it's becoming clear that Governor Dean is the one who can ignite and unite the Democratic Party to defeat George W. Bush in November. good morning...he's getting his voice and his supporters "back".