James Dobson Endorses Judge Roberts: Why?http://www.yuricareport.com/BattleForJudiciary/DobsonEndorsesRoberts.htmlBy Katherine Yurica
Posted July 23, 2005
Ordinarily Judge Roberts’ wife’s job ought to be off limits in the search for information that might shed light on Judge Roberts’qualifications and judicial beliefs and possible prejudices. From all sides, Judge Roberts appears to be an ideal nominee. He is highly intelligent and a truly educated man. What’s wrong with him then and why should the Senate Judiciary Committee probe deeper?
The answer is: Judge Roberts is fully endorsed by none-other-than “tough- love-beat- them-while-their-young—political advocate Dr. James Dobson. In fact Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, is planning a nationwide simulcast from Nashville to promote Roberts in August. It was Dobson who helped to whip up the Terri Schiavo case to national proportions with screaming advocates and dominionists accusing judges of “murdering” the woman. It is Dobson who has 6,000 worldwide radio facilities carrying his weekly radio broadcast.
Dobson led a “Justice Sunday” simulcast from Louisville, Kentucky in the spring to get churchgoers and churches riled up throughout the country to call their Senators and demand a yes or no vote on every judicial appointee of the Bush administration.
But Dobson is accustomed to throwing his political weight around. He warned the White House, that if an anti-abortion judge was not named by the President to the Supreme Court, Republicans would pay for it dearly at the polls in the next election. It appears that James Dobson knows something about John G. Roberts that the Democrats don’t know!
full article at above link