from the main body of it - didn't find out until I got back tonight - now I'll have to go to the Airlines and make a claim, problem is I booked a complicated trip with many airlines on such short notice, for example I had to fly from Detroit to LA, then a plane to San Francisco, then another from there to Hawaii, just today..
Between ATA, United & Northwest I don't really know who did it, and the way these creeps can be in the corporate Airlines they can all point the fingers at each other and I'm the one with a mangled tripod - cracked right at the head, the worse thing you could ask for in a tripod damage sceneario.
You've been so generous, and I love you for it, but Peyton may need more bubbles for Barbie :) and you should make sure that your Marine son gets loaded up with all the gear that Halliburton is cheating the troops out of, live saving gear he'll need.. I'd rather he be safe.
But you are a peach, and I'd do anything for you especially, Binka - you're too kind :)
And I don't want others to think I'm dissing them, I'd just like a little credit from at least a few websites and that basically "newbies" and pushing to get "customers" any way they can..
I'm actually sending out clips to other websites instead of hogging them for myself, not even updating my own website cause I'm so busy and spending all my time getting them to people that are the latest "cool" sites -
People might be amazed at my credibility if they ever heard about how I've researched so many subjects and connections/conclusions that I come to before many of these sites were wondering how these things all hook together.
Boiling down very complex issues do that joe sixpack can comprehend them (republicans as well, fence sitters) is hard enough on the brain - I get a little pissed when I go to events and everyone gets to speak but me, and I've gone more homework than quite a few folks.
It gets a little embarrassing to basically "beg" for money to do something that is VERY Important and can be used in many ways for long reaching effects - in many ways Takebackthemedia.com has had the "goods" on the right wing, and slammed them HARD a long time before others even see what's happening before their own eyes.
Then the crowing begins, and being left out when you may have more credibility and have earned it makes a person think, "Why the hell am I doing this?"
And the truth is, I'm doing it for the cause - while other sites that may be missing important issues or nuances are forging ahead, and creating whole panels comprised of their clique..
Part of my problem perhaps is I'm a bit of a rogue and I'm not interested in clique behaviour, at times it's actually detrimental.
I'm not pointing fingers at any particular group or website, just a general, "Let's run this film from somewhere and WE'll all push our concepts over it or on top of it.."
Maybe I'm too bushed to be posting and writing from the lizard layer of the brain right now. But I have the feeling that I need to be recognized by certain sites (NOT the DU, they have done nothing but save my butt or help me all the way) or I'll just post only on Takebackthemedia.com and lower my scruples like some in the progressive party seem to be doing.. I see nearly republican attitudes as far as integrity issues go worming it's way into Progressive groups and it bothers me.
But you, you my darling are the BOMB :) Thanks so much for your kind offer - I've been working all these years to get some group with huge funding to lay some cash on me and let me run wild with it - most folks know I put in 18 hour days doing all this, and I can't just shovel out all I create so others can basically fundraise for themselves and leave me begging for help.
Maybe it's stupid pride, but it's also a matter of economics - and in that regard you and others here have been saints and shrinks to me :)
As usualy I write too much and always when dead tired, I haven't got more than 4 hours of sleep a whole night since the DSM story broke, either trying to make it cohesive, coherent, and illuminating or just spending tons of time researching it so I can become a mini expert and then like I said, boil it all down for average americans to "get it"..
You're such a sweetheart and many here are so inspirational here, but I'm feeling like a one inch ad in the back of a comic book at this point, and I didn't do 4 years of hard FREE labor on TBTM to get to this point.
I'm just rethinking my position in the progressive (or some of these "hybrid" groups that may not even be democrats) field.
Thanks you for all you've done for me personally, and YOU (and some others) will be REWARDED in Spades, as I'm one loyal person if nothing else :)