Weld, nail, super glue, tye, make integral, fasten, attach the fact that it was Karl Rove that outed Valery Palme to expose her front company Brewster Jennings & Associates. It may have started out as a smear campaign against Joseph Wilson, but the exposure of her company effectively stopped any and all information about WMD in the middle East and Northern Africa. That played right into the hands of the bu$h administration.
That is the real crime. That is treason.
Now a question: Are we at war of not? Only Congress can declare war. If we are at war, a strong case can be made that Karl Rove committed Treason.
If not, what the hell are we still doing over there committing all those war crimes? Either way Karl Rove needs to be put away for a very long time as he is a danger to this country.
Words for thought.
http://www.alternet.org/story/23506/?comments=view&cID=15785&pID=15774EDIT: Tying it to multiple members of this administration will work also. Just don't tye it to Valery Palme, she did nothing wrong. Keep the criminals in the spotlight.