Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., met one-on-one with Supreme Court nominee John Roberts on Monday, emerging to compliment him as modest, thoughtful and impressive.
"I don't think there's anybody on the court quite like he will be in that sense, because my sense is that he really grapples with the law and the interpretation of the law rather than any extraneous points of bias," she said after the hour-long meeting in her office.
But Feinstein, who voted for Roberts for his appeals court seat two years ago, said she would have trouble supporting his elevation to the Supreme Court if she determines he would vote to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. "It would be very difficult for me," to support Roberts if he opposes Roe, Feinstein said. She said that to some extent she believed she had determined where Roberts stood on Roe, but said she would save details for his confirmation hearings.
The nominee's position on Roe v. Wade is not clear. While serving as deputy solicitor general in the administration of the first President Bush, Roberts co-authored a legal brief for a Supreme Court case that said in part, "Roe was wrongly decided and should be overruled."