And I have my own personal crazyman theory about this.
Since the four "liberals" vote as a block usually, all they needed to prevail was either Kennedy or O'Connor. Despite being a court of 7 Republican appointees, the liberals succeed so often in the vote count because the were so adept at coaxing one of those two swingers into their column. To sway one of the swingers to their side, they'd usually let the swinger author the majority opinion so that the writer is as comfortable as possible in siding with the liberals.
My theory now is that Kennedy will write a much larger percentage of the majority opinions, and that - with four justices pulling him on each side in opposite directions - we're going to see very "moderate" rulings authored by Kennedy that make neither side truly happy. The liberals might technically win cases 5-4 with Kennedy, but the rulings' texts will be so watered-down since they had to make concessions to Kennedy, that the rulings would be much less significant. Same for the conservatives. No real strides will be made in either direction until something big happens to the court.
This only serves to make 2006 & 2008 more critical. Kennedy might get tired of the pressure and decide to step-down. Or maybe a court member on either side passes away in his/her sleep overnight, throwing the court entirely off-balance in one direction or another. The bottom line? We need the Senate or White House - ASAP!