This is a momentous day in the American labor movement. A great day. The American Federation of Labor, one of the worst plagues on the American labor movement, has fallen on its sword. Only 7.9% of non-government jobs are organized, a number which is falling - pretty soon the AFL will have bled to death.
Does anyone remember the Knights of Labor, which pre-dated the AFL? Even the KoL was smart enough to organize industrially, not by trade. The AFL was rotten from day one. It removed union leadership from the rank and file and handed it to pie card labor lieutenants. The AFL-CIO worked internationally to *destroy* instead of build the labor movements in other countries, alongside of Nixon, Reagan and so forth.
Teamsters, SEIU, UNITE...having all of these little fiefdoms, and jurisdictional fights, is completely pointless. Is it a coincidence that a century after the founding of the IWW we have the collapse of the AFL? What we need is ONE BIG UNION. Not Teamsters and UNITE fighting over which fiefdom gets to organize a shop. We need rank-and-file control. We need a union fighting for control of the point of production, not what sell-out will go to Washington DC. You're always better off organizing then the money pit which is elections. The government passed Taft-Hartley over a presidential veto at the height of union power, to think unions can get anything from elections is a joke.
I don't know if the IWW will be revived, or whether an heir of it will take it's place, but this is what we need in the US labor movement. I say this as someone who could be classified as skilled labor or maybe even professional. So that message should be even more appealing to unskilled labor.