Once again the rude pundit is one bad motherfucker.
http://rudepundit.blogspot.com/2005/07/big-ol-why-so-let-us-say-and-why-not.htmlHowever, we all know why they must discredit. Because they cannot prove he is wrong. To discredit excites their base. The knuckledragging fools who post on free republic where truth is brushed aside demonize Wilson. Why? Thoughtful investigation? No fucking way. They are instructed to demonize Wilson. The enemy's public face may be rove, bush etc; but the real enemy is the scum on the right with no conscience, mediocre income and a strong desire to have something to be patriotic about. Kick their ass at every opportunity. They should start apologizing for their evil treatment of us for the past three years any day now. Please don't hold your breath.
Yes, conservatives, with each passing day your lives become more pitiful.