likeable mean electable?
By Kirsten Scharnberg and Jeff Zeleny, Tribune national correspondents
During the introduction of Sen. John Edwards at a middle school here Sunday, a local Democratic leader asked the standing-room-only crowd to think back to 1992, when another eloquent and surging Southern politician spoke from the same stage.
Then, the voters in the room had sensed something special about a little-known governor named Bill Clinton: his flair for connecting with an audience, his talent for making politics personal, his ability to answer impromptu questions on almost any topic. <snip>
"If we voted for candidates based on who has the best, most genuine smile," added Diane Dingle, her mother, "he'd be in for sure."
Before anyone can raise his potential shortcomings, though, Edwards does it himself. Yes, he tells his audiences, he has only served one term in the U.S. Senate. But if they believe a Washington insider is the best Democrat to challenge Bush, Edwards bluntly encourages them to find another candidate. <snip>