and his investigation they'll ALL sink with this administration when the truth comes out?
There is a small window here for a certain number of Repugs to still put our country ahead of Party (not the leadership) just as a few did in Watergate (think Cohen of Maine).
We are witnessing the death of the GOP if Fitzgerald succeeds; while this segment of the GOP SHOULD be consigned to the trashbin of history is it really good to have only one party rule?
One thing is certain, Repugs have proven they cannot be trusted governing our nation. They have wrecked the budget, wrecked our foreign policy, wrecked the all-volunteer army,BROKEN JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING THEY hAVE DEALT WITH.
We are going to be left one hell of a mess and when Fitzgerald's work is finally public- the disillusion of the bushbots will be stunning. I doubt that the majority of them will be able to deal with the fact that they supported a lying, treacherous, murderous,FAITHLESS excuse for an American President.
The business of governing this nation is HARD WORK and the GOP in its present form clearly isn't up to the job.