"We're stuck there" ... bush did this and bush should have done that and we were lied to and it's all bush's fault, but, "we're stuck there" ...
almost all elected Democrats, and the Party Chairman as well, have "gone along" with the continued occupation of Iraq ... in some flavor or other, they've stated that leaving would be a disaster and we have to remain there until some level of stability and security is achieved ...
achieving this stability is always predicated on one fundamental strategy: we have to train Iraqi troops as quickly as possible so that they can handle the security problems in their own country ...
but here's the problem: if the US, coupled with trained Iraqi forces, (and we've been training them for more than two years now), can't end the violence, how will Iraqi troops be able to do this on their own ??????
put another way, if two armies can't solve the problem, will one do any better ???
Democrats are wrong to put their faith in a very recently trained Iraqi army ... there is no guarantee that these troops will remain loyal to any central Iraqi regime when civil war breaks out ... all the training of more Iraqi soldiers will do will be to escalate the violence ... more will die and the suffering of the Iraqi people will be much, much worse ... imagine a civil war where US trained Shia soldiers are fighting against US trained Sunni soldiers ...
for too long, Democrats have been preaching the political importance of "selling their macho credentials" while the best politics and the best policy would be to show some leadership on Iraq by calling for withdrawal ... it is inconceivable that republicans will walk away with the credit for toppling Saddam and now will legitimately get credit for calling for withdrawal as more and more republicans are doing ...
wake up Democrats and show some courage on this issue ... it's more important to be right than to be tough ...