Tonight on CSPAN Senator Dorgan spoke on behalf of those opposed to CAFTA. He mentioned the case of Huffy bicycles, and how they had laid off their American workers and moved their factory to China.
Then he described the working conditions of Chinese workers. Many work for 33 cents/hour. They work 15 hours per day, 7 days per week. When they get sick and can't work, they're fired. If they try to form unions, they're imprisoned.
Basically multinational corporations using Chinese labor have almost eliminated their labor costs. Walmart continues to buy products from companies using this kind of labor.
Will unpegging the yuan fix this problem? No. It will very slightly reduce the profits of the companies that are exploiting Chinese working conditions. It will still be much cheaper to make those products in China.
Won't unpegging the yuan cause the Chinese to buy more goods? No. How are Chinese workers going to pay for American goods when they make 33 cents/hour?
The yuan would have to drop a tremendous amount before it makes a significant difference in our trade balance with China, or the Walmart-ization of America. And the Chinese are not going to let it drop a tremendous amount. They'll re-peg it before that happens.