I found this over at Rawstory. I have my doubts as to how this whole CIA scandel will pan out. So until Fitz goes public with his findings, my hopes are still up that there is one honest person in authority that can stop these Retreasocans.
Did Rove out Valerie Plame Wilson? Americans don’t ask so much as nod, say, “Sounds like something he’d do,” and go about their business as usual. His work is widely recognized as the most corrupt, unethical, heartless, fiendish, villainous, sinful, unprincipled, vicious, evil, egregious, heinous, contemptible, immoral, amoral, mean, nasty, rotten, vile, shameful, shameless, and generally most often on the wrong side of the “shalt nots” in the business… But he is still not necessarily guilty of this particular misdoing. The fact that he is so politically dissolute is just one more reason one must be especially careful when leveling charges at him.
High expectations set by Rove’s intensely nefarious behavior simply do not, repeat do not, make his guilt as certain as the media feeding frenzy would have one believe. There were other sources for the stories who could just as easily have seen these memos. The trial-by-speculation happening in the echo chamber that passes for the American media is occurring because journalists are more likely to run with a good shout-party based on innuendo than actually dig for substantial proof of Rove’s guilt or innocence, not because a criminal investigation is near conclusive.
Karl Rove never deals in facts—at least not when it comes to the media. His silence on key points would feel damning, if we didn’t know this to be a tactic employed by him in the past. Public denials can make damaging sound bites, and Rove isn’t about to drop his dignified air of unmitigated cruelty for an arm-waving denial of any allegation, true or false. Rather, Karl Rove delights in discrediting the bringers of the truth, and there is nothing that would have him clicking those cloven hooves higher than a media smearfest that targeted him and came up wrong. Why lie and say that the President served out his commitment to the Texas Air National Guard when Rove (himself a draft dodger,) when Rove could simply let false documents somehow make their way into the lazy hands of CBS Producers? If your enemies are embarrassed on any point, you look better by default, and Rove’s enemies are lining up to take a fall if this allegation comes up false.
Is Rove guilty? Oh, he’s guilty as all hell. But is he the person directly responsible for the criminal act of leaking an undercover CIA agent’s name to the press? That remains to be seen. In the meantime, we cannot assume his silence to be evidence of guilt. A man is innocent until proven guilty, if not in spirit, than in law. And never trust the devil; not even to lie.