WASHINGTON -- A top House Democrat is accusing GOP leaders of slipping a provision into a sprawling energy bill to give hundreds of millions of dollars to a private energy consortium in the suburban Houston hometown of House majority leader Tom DeLay -- a consortium that includes energy giant Halliburton Inc. as one of its most prominent members.
The final draft of the energy bill produced by House and Senate negotiators early Tuesday includes a 10-year, roughly $500 million research program for ''ultradeep drilling" of oil and gas from beneath the Gulf of Mexico.
The provision directs that 75 percent of that money be administered by a nonprofit ''corporation that is constructed as a consortium." Henry A. Waxman, the top Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee, said the provision was worded to ensure that the contract will go to the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America, a nonprofit energy consortium based in Sugar Land, Texas, DeLay's hometown.
''At its essence, this provision is a . . . giveaway to the oil industry, Halliburton, and Sugar Land, Texas," Waxman, a California Democrat, wrote in a letter sent yesterday to House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert. ''
is an indefensible giveaway to one of the most profitable industries in America."
Waxman's letter: