Did anyone hear Congressman Jones (R-freedom fries) from NC on the Ed Schultz show? Since AirAmerica kicked us Sirius customers to the curb, I caught Big Ed on the drive home. Never really liked him cuz he sounds just like rush to me. This repugnantcan was saying why he voted against CAFTA. He said there were provisions in it that allowed companies to bid on contracts, get South American workers and bring them to the USA but pay them South American wages. Claimed he had letter from businessmen in South America who wanted Congress to vote it down. When asked by Schultz why this was so important to bushler, he hesitated. Then he said that this country was becoming two classes, the haves and the have nots, and that the middle class was becoming destroyed. He said the one thing that will destroy our country is GREED! He said X-trian principles apply to businesses as well as to people, and destroying American jobs and livelihoods to make the rich richer is un American. How could this repugnantcan talk like this and voted against it and how could any Democratic congressman have voted for it?