3rd crazy ass letter to my local paper today...
http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RTD%2FMGArticle%2FRTD_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1031784077034&path=%21editorials%21letters&s=1045855935005"D.C. Bureau Repeats Standard Liberal Line
Editor, Times-Dispatch: From the lack of truly substantive and stimulating reporting coming from your Washington bureau these past few years, I got the impression John Hall and Marsha Mercer were winding up their careers in cozy semi-retirement.
Ms. Mercer's column, "Wars, Terror Claim Innocent Lives," on the death toll of innocent civilians lacks only one major unifying point: a resounding condemnation of those guilty of these heart-rending atrocities, laying blame where it truly lies on those who were responsible both before and after 9/11.
As for John Hall: Yawn. Is it really necessary to wake him up? His column, "Can Terrorists Access Nuclear Caches?" should be a hot-button topic but in his hands, we get the typical Washington liberal insider view, i.e., blame everything on President Bush.
Hall concludes his piece asking if "wise men can rise to the awful challenge" of dealing with terrorism. All I can say to that is, thank God we have a President willing to try. History is rife with examples of leaders appeasing aggressive evildoers in the hopes they will look the other way when passing by, and then being the most surprised to find the fire department at their own front doors.
As these two reporters obviously have been corrupted by their extended stay in the Washington area, I feel it is time to find fresh voices who aren't as easily swayed by the peer review of the liberal mindset that dominates the capital scene. Remmie Arnold. chester."