This morning's Washington Post editorial, "The Truth About Abu Ghraib", provides more evidence that the high-jacked Ship of State continues to take on water. It details the lies told by General Geoffrey Miller to investigators and in sworn testimony to Congress regarding the illegal torture methods used at Gitmo and then transported to Abu Ghraib. It also details the continued defections of the few Senate GOPers with a thread of decency left from the Republi-Nazis now running the country.
Here are some excerpts:
"FOR 15 MONTHS now the Bush administration has insisted that the horrific photographs of abuse from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were the result of freelance behavior by low-level personnel and had nothing to do with its policies.... For some time these implacable positions have been glaringly at odds with the known facts. In the past few days, those facts have grown harder to ignore.
"... On Wednesday, the former warden of Abu Ghraib, Maj. David DiNenna, testified that the use of dogs for interrogation (at Abu Ghraid) was recommended by Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, the former commander of the Guantanamo Bay prison who was dispatched by the Pentagon to Abu Ghraib in August 2003 to review the handling and interrogation of prisoners....
"In statements to investigators and in sworn testimony to Congress last year, Gen. Miller denied that he recommended the use of dogs for interrogation, or that they had been used at Guantanamo.... Yet Army investigators reported to Congress this month that, under Gen. Miller's supervision at Guantanamo, an al Qaeda suspect ... was threatened with snarling dogs ... and led by a leash attached to his chains -- the very abuse documented in the Abu Ghraib photographs.... But the Guantanamo commander was not acting on his own: The interrogation of Mr. Qahtani, investigators found, was carried out under rules approved by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Dec. 2, 2002.... "We understood," Maj. DiNenna testified, "that (Gen. Miller) was sent over (to Abu Ghraib) by the secretary of defense."
"The White House and Pentagon have gotten away with their stonewalling largely because of Republican control of Congress.... Mr. Rumsfeld and other senior officials have never been the subject of an independent investigation.... The only good news in this shameful story is that a group of Republican senators, though resisting justified Democratic demands for an independent investigation, are attempting to reform the policy of abuse to which the administration still adheres.... on Tuesday the GOP leadership pulled the defense bill from the floor rather than allow a vote. The administration probably will spend the next month trying to quell this rebellion of conscience and good sense...."
Here's the link to the full editorial: Now we just need to get the very graphic Abu Ghraib photos/videos "unembargoed" and on the front page of the WP. And then send these misogynistic, murdering Republi-Nazis back to Texas. Or, what the hell, let's send them to Gitmo to see if we can use their favorite interrogation methods to get them to reveal the puppet-masters who have pulled their strings, high-jacked our country and inflicted terror around the globe.
What's good for the goose is good for the GOPer.