And just to prove it, here's a voice vote from last month.
It's titled: "Meet Congressman Adam Putnam Sensenbrenner"
and can be found at: Florida Congressman Adam Putnam's misreprsentation of a voice vote during the hearings of United Airline's default on their pensioners, thus leaving the American tax-payers to (foot) the bill.
Listen carefully to all the YES votes sounded of opposed to what seems to be only one lonely NO vote. Putnam then sides with the NO vote in favor of sticking it to the tax-payers! Huh? What?!!!
Same shit different day.
One of Randi Rhodes' callers said that
Adam Putnam is related to Kathrine Harris (aka Cruella da Ville of Florida). I think the caller said they were cousins ... I can't remember.
What a surprise! :eyes: