It seems that the GOP does not do a damn thing unless it benefits them financially or (re)election-wise. With the '06 Congressional elections on the horizon, are their re-election efforts kicking in now?
Here are some things I can see or predict with my untrained eye:
1) End the "war on Terror". Now they have changed the name to the "Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism". The phrase "War on Terror" will be passe' and not even utilized by the mainstream media come mid-term elections. No "Bush & Co. Ineptitude is Losing the War on Terror" slogans will be allowed from now on.
1a) GOP encourages withdrawal from Iraq. Even if they only bring home 10 troops by the elections next year, they can claim "We're bringing the troops home". How do you counter a statement like that? You don't. You have to agree with the GOP now.
2) Appoint stealth (hard to oppose) extreme conservatives like Roberts to the Supreme Court. This firms up the "Religious Right", Federalist Society, Corporate Interest, and Closet Racist (yeah I said it) votes in one swoop.
3) Let folks forget about CAFTA and Energy Bill boondoggles. They are hell-bent on getting these bills passed all of a sudden. I guess CAFTA/Energy Bill are gonna fall off the radar by this time next year. This will spur big corporate donations to GOP re-election campaigns, though.
4) Don't let those Iraq/Afghan extreme prison violence and abuse photos come out *or* get them out as soon and as redacted as possible. Get this hugely damaging issue in and out of the front page as soon as possible, or keep them under wraps for another year.
5) Talk sh*t about "helping Africa" to get African-American votes (like that really works anyway), but do nothing to actually help people starving to death in Niger right now.
5a) Reactivate the Faith-based Initiative public relations effort. This will bring those easily-bribed mega church pastors/reverends back online...and keep them lobbying for Bush & Co. or just choosing to remain silent on GOP misdeeds (which actually does work).
And most importantly:
6) Keep Fitzgerald's CIA-Agent-Cover-Blown-by-White-House-as-Retribution investigation going ad infinitum. If this prosecutor brings charges, the White House is gonna look bad. Although GOP congress folk can say "it wasn't me", dunno if that would be good enough. This investigation is the wild card. Will he bring charges? Who will be named?
"Rational, “issue” voting can only occur under conditions of strong stimulation. But within the context of American politics such stimulation is generally associated with the livelier presidential campaigns which are likely to distract citizens from their ongoing concerns."
GOP Mid-term Election Objective: Remove Strong Stimulation
Your thoughts and additions?