Hello All:
You may recall that I posted a thread that was essentially an exchange between me and a Freeper from the midwest. You can read that thread at:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=132&topic_id=1961705&mesg_id=1961705I mentioned that I would post additional exchanges between us if I felt they either "upped the funny" or were generally entertaining. Well...the following has met that criterion.
By way of review and context, I am posting the last email from the other thread...my responses follow.
Her Email to Me
Have you read the Bible??? God says, not to be of the world but to judge all things according to his word.. You are not to Judge people but can their Actions.. as we all fall short.. Iraq is the beginning of the end.. every war from now on will be over Israel If God's word says not to do something.. If you Love God you don't do it~~~! Also look at What Jesus said.. When I come back again it will as the days of Noah.. READ them text...... But this will mean nothing to someone that dosen't read the word or try to understand what is being said.. BE NOT OF THIS WORLD.. don't do things because the WORLD say's it's OK..
No one want's war~~~! you'd be a fool to want War... But I think the right thing was done as we are in end times... As according to Gods word we are at the point of Jesus return.. His word is being spread all over the world and many of the Muslins are being converted and many are seeing visions of Jesus .. WE need a revival in our country to get back to the basic of the Bible as the Ten Comandments say to do... Every one sins and falls short... I love a gay person and have several friends that have had abortions and I love them.. Jesus loves them... But it was wrong.. I do things every day that are wrong~~~! Thank Jesus I'm washed in his Blood..... I'm no different than you.. I know you want the right thing for your country.. but it has to be right with God to be right.. we can't go by what is tollerated or what other say.. Why do you think this country has lasted as long as it has??? It's because of the blood shed in other lands to free the and break the bondages of other.. NO greater gift can a man give than to lay down his life for another... I know each of our precious souls lost in war are with our father in heaven... many say that the lives lost is awful the live lost in an abortions office every day is 4000 justify that!
It's really bad as in end time it says they will call right wrong and wrong right... Guess what .. WE ARE THERE!
My Response
You know...I was just going to email you back and thank you for your
response and leave it at that. I thought to myself that this person is so
far gone in her thinking that it isn't worth the trouble to agrue with her.
I won't argue with you on your points other than to say:
My email to you did not call you names or spew hatred. It was simply to
express my "concern" about what you were sending out. The last time I
checked, I believe that we still have "free speech" in this country.
Re-read my email and you will see that I did not resort to name calling...I
do not hate you. I simply disagree with you. Perhaps that is more than you
can deal with.
Unfortunately you have proven many of my points about you just by reading
your response. You obviously cannot discuss these issues without getting
"very" upset. And usually people that get as upset as you do not think
rationally and make any any sort of dialogue impossible.
It has been my experience that people that respond with such hatred and
anger have read something that must strike true to them. Were there things
I said that make you ashamed because you know that they are true?
I could have sent my email to everyone on your email list (in that is is
simply at the top of each of your emails). But I chose the high road and
decided only to respond to you, the author. I assure you that when you send
out a mass email with such opinionated statements, you are bound to upset
someone on the list. If not, you run the risk of upsetting someone at the
other end who may be a family member or friend. My point is, that if you
send out the kind of emails you send out, you must be willing to accept
responses to them...some that will not agree with you.
I'm sorry that I upset you. I am sure that you are a fine God-fearing
By the way...I minored in Religious Studies in college. Please don't imply
that I do not "know" the Bible. The truth is, the Bible is interpreted.
Have you even considered that your interpretation may be wrong?
Her Response (Today's Email)
I just got this from a gal in Calif.. dealing with our social programs ... this is all goverment running our lives and the DEM party keeps promoting more goverment taking care of us instead of making people get off their dead butts and be responsible for them selves.. I'm not saying people that are disable but the ones that can work and don't or drink or do drugs that our tax dollars are paying for... What policy has the Dem come up with that has helped in any way in the last 20 yrs... Name ONE!!! I'm sorry I just get so up set as I need health insurance and I can't buy it as It will cost me 6000.00 for one yr.. maybe more.. I feel I have to work for what I have.. I know God wants us to work 6 days a week and rest on the 7th but we work all 7~!
Date: 07/28/05 13:28:35
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: A can of worms
People are so unreal! You know my theory on life is live and let live, I had a guy call me regarding a local add I put in the paper, "champion grandsired yorkies" he said there is no such thing, I said the pups grandfather is a champion sire=father, he said the add was misleading because people would think I ment grand champion sired, and there is no such thing, I said their great grandfather is a "grand champion" in Brazil, and there is such a thing, just not in this country. Anyways... he hung up on me. I think these people who were breeding low quality yorkies are getting mad that there are good yorkies beeting them out.
As far as the welfare thing... I run a billing service, we do insurance billing for physicians, and the welfare people are in a class of their own. They don't have to take responsibility for anything, and their attitudes are unreal! They are rude, demanding and obnoxious, all on our tax dollars! Oh don't get me started on these guys! I feel that we are like the animal kingdom, the strong survive, but with all the social programs out there the lazy and week are living better than most of us who bust our butts everyday. Then these loosers have so much free time they get bored and start thinking of ways they can hurt other people. We just had a whole family murdered by a sex offender, who then took the little boy and girl, killed the boy and mollested the girl for several months before he was caught. Then a father raped and stabbed his daughter last week, she was found by the side of a road, left for dead. This in my oppinion is what we get with the social programs, because people do not learn the value of life and hard work.
My Response
Dear R:
Thanks for your response (both of them). I will respond to each individually.
I must say that I am beginning to enjoy our little exchange. Strange, I get this feeling that you may not be feeling the same.
Your email is interesting. You trash the “Dems” for their social programs and then you spend a considerable amount of time complaining that you cannot afford health insurance.
It may surprise you to learn that it has always been the Democrats that have championed universal health care. You see, many of us believe that a person’s health should not be determined by their ability to pay. That is to say, that many of us believe that health in America should be a right, not a privilege. If it is a privilege (like it is now), only the rich can afford good health care. People like you and I have to struggle just to see a doctor because we are not rich. Currently, there are over 47 million Americans that do not have any kind of health care insurance. Very sad.
You may recall in the early months of the Clinton Administration, Hillary was given the task of coming up with a comprehensive universal health care program so people like you and I could get health care just like the rich. Unfortunately, she was attacked viciously by the Republicans for even considering this kind of program. The attack was so severe, she immediately backed down.
Did you know that President Bush tried to stop Americans from purchasing much needed prescriptions from Canada where they could get their drugs at much less the cost? Allowing Americans to purchase drugs from Canada would have meant that many Americans (particularly the elderly) would not have to choose between eating and getting their life-saving prescriptions.
President Bush did not want Americans purchasing cheaper drugs from Canada because it would have meant that American Pharmaceutical companies would loose money.
You may or may not want to believe this. It is up to you. However, you can find plenty of “accurate” documentation supporting my point. And no, they are not off-the-wall web sites that hate Bush. We are talking about mainstream newspapers like The New York Times and Washington Post. If you would like, I can provide that information to you and you can judge for yourself. However, as with the proverbial “you can lead them to water, but can’t make them drink,” it would be up to you to educate yourself.
When you complain that you cannot afford health care, you should thank your Republican friends who view any kind of health care program as “communism” or “socialism.” With their leadership, it will remain that only the rich can afford to stay healthy.
She has also sent another email that I have not responded to...it is a real winner. Look for it later today.