Some are actually making sense for a change! I wonder if these posters are on Nancy Reagan's side because of what happened to Ronnie while the others oppose it cause their Master Chimp tells them so and all orders must be obeyed.
Reply 2 - Posted by: david999, 7/30/2005 2:32:02 AM
killing babies is not an answer to anything
Reply 3 - Posted by: starsandstripes, 7/30/2005 4:24:59 AM
It is not black and white. If one of your children were paralyzed in a car accident, would you consider using stem cells to repair the spinal cord? I would.
Reply 4 - Posted by: Sealawyer, 7/30/2005 4:28:46 AM
#3, never. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Gotta draw the line. Innocents don't die for others; unless they have walked on water first (and that's been already done).
Reply 5 - Posted by: berserker, 7/30/2005 5:15:44 AM
Every time I listen to someone on a newscast or read something in print, they have a different story on their reality of the matter. Not having done any research on the subject and having a huge distrust of the media, I realize that all faces presented are for camera time and spin.
What are the pros and cons, what is the truth and the rest of the untold story?
Reply 6 - Posted by: saryden, 7/30/2005 5:44:00 AM
It is about taxing us to pay for another thing we do not think is right. Private research is already going on.
I believe too much exposure to "liberal" Democrats and RINOs in the Senate
tends to affect the mental health of our Republican majority leaders. They become more and more accomodating to the Left in an effort to appear bipartisan.
Well, I say, "Let's hear it for partisan!"
That's what it means to have an election.. we decide whose philosophy we like better.
Reply 7 - Posted by: ruready?, 7/30/2005 6:17:46 AM
Frist is not the man for us.
Can you believe that with not one embryonic stell cell success, such a clamour exists to kill all these babies? This is more than a dumb move. Spiritual wickedness in high places is my guess - and Frist was somehow vulnerable to it.
Everything is either property or a person. If it is not a person, it must submit to the will of its master.
Reply 13 - Posted by: janjan, 7/30/2005 7:33:34 AM
#3 - As a pro-life anti-abortion mother I have been asked many times if I would want my daughter to have an abortion if she got pregnant as a young girl and the answer is No. Standing up for what you believe in isn't always easy.
Reply 17 - Posted by: franq, 7/30/2005 8:16:56 AM
Those people are like the weather. Too bad Frist was on Focus on the Family a while back and held up as one of "our" kind. I am not questioning the man's salvation or spirituality. But I bet there is some backpedaling going on at Focus. As for Krauthammer, that surprises me too. Adult stems cells have shown the promise. Embryonic can even turn cancerous once in the recipient. Government: get out of it.
Reply 18 - Posted by: Harmony1, 7/30/2005 8:16:57 AM
The Pandora's Box of Evils has to stop somewhere in terms of 'experimenting' with the bodies of tiny Souls.
If you want to use Stem Cells, use your Own! Tampering with Life is Wrong. That is what Hitler did.
Bill Frist blew it.
Reply 20 - Posted by: lambdaman, 7/30/2005 8:20:23 AM
Yes #3, I would want stem cell research used to help one of my kids if they were paralyzed - ADULT stem cells. You will never hear this from the Old Media but the fruits of adult stem cell research are being applied today with promising results. The embryonic work, which the OM would like you to believe is the only stem cell work of merit, is still highly theoretical.
Reply 22 - Posted by: rk, 7/30/2005 8:24:07 AM
Our reluctance to spend on stem cell research will allow the French, Koreans and others to pass us by in health matters in the future. It we conservatives continue this attitude, we should also start saving to send our sick relatives and ourselves overseas for state of the art healh care in the future.
Reply 23 - Posted by: ivehadit, 7/30/2005 8:26:58 AM
I admire Sen. Frist's move if he truly believes in his position.
He stood up for what he believes.
Reasonable people can reasonably disagree.
Reply 25 - Posted by: wyowumin, 7/30/2005 8:45:16 AM
Did I just hear a flush? Adios Senator Frist.
Reply 27 - Posted by: Halfgenius, 7/30/2005 8:59:55 AM
Maybe we should just give up and invest in "Fetus" collection boxes that could be placed along side the road next to the Aluminum cans and old newspaper collection boxes! That's where were headed with this sort of moral corruptible idea. I'm surprised at Frist...I wonder what his price was!
Reply 28 - Posted by: 49 Ford, 7/30/2005 9:03:31 AM
Why he changed his position is no big mystery, IMO. It's just the time-honored combination of weakness and ambition.
Reply 30 - Posted by: SallyVee, 7/30/2005 9:16:55 AM
An absolutely brilliant, inspired report with commentary. My hat is off to Cohen & Kristol.
I am not among those surprised by Dr. Bill's capitulation. I know too much about his family business. He's always struck me as one who sees himself as a superior being... one who is anointed.
Remember, Mengele was a doctor too.
Reply 31 - Posted by: bryk, 7/30/2005 9:31:05 AM
Embryonic stem cell research is the LATEST THING.
Remember when every ill could be cured by compounds and discoveries in the rain forest? I do.
Remember when recominant DNA held the answer to every ill. I do.
Remember when charting the human genome was going to cure every ill?
C'mon people. Have a memory. (my guess is: stems cells are not going to help your memory)
Now, I like forests. There is nothing wrong with knowing how we are formed. Recominant DNA has given us cotton that is pest resistant and needs only 8 applications of chemicals--the 'natural' stuff needs over 40--quite a savings for the environment.
I draw the line at killing kids.
Reply 34 - Posted by: 49 Ford, 7/30/2005 9:48:46 AM
It's really not about developing cures for disease, but advancing the Culture of Death. The leading advocates dangle false hopes before the families of the stricken, cynically play upon the natural sympathies of the rest of us and allow the biased media to do the rest.
Reply 39 - Posted by: todamn, 7/30/2005 10:20:04 AM
I have read two articles recently about stem cells being harvested from the nose,and would have NO side effects.
Reply 40 - Posted by: reddog, 7/30/2005 10:26:39 AM
This makes Ann Coulter's reservations about Judge Roberts much more credible. Most of these damned Pubbies bend whichever way the wind blows most of the time.
Reply 41 - Posted by: pomom, 7/30/2005 10:27:20 AM
I would hate to think that Sen. Frist is using this latest position on stem cells as a political tool but I think he is. I have always agreed with President Bush on his stand that taxpayers will not fund these experiments. That's what all this is...experiments giving false hope to stricken families.
Reply 43 - Posted by: Rumblehog, 7/30/2005 10:31:14 AM
Either Frist was trying to strike out on his own politically to differentiate himself from the President for the 2008 election, or he owed Sen. "Booby" Hatch a political favor, probably related to becoming Majority Leader.
Reply 49 - Posted by: Gretchen, 7/30/2005 11:13:03 AM
Frist is a girly-man. Never would've voted for him for prez, anyway. Doesn't look or act presidential.
Reply 54 - Posted by: Texas Ranger, 7/30/2005 11:43:25 AM
There are tens of thousands of frozen embryos in storage in this counry. Most of these are left overs from in vitro fertilization proedures and will ultimately be discarded (killed). Frist made it abundantly clear that these unwanted embryos would be the only source used. Since they are destined to be killed one way or another why not make some use of them in reseach that might be of great benefit to all of mankind.