Mehlman says the same talking points over and over. Dean just gives straight answers.
Q: Do you think Karl Rove — say, a year from now — will be working as deputy chief of staff at the White House?
A: Absolutely. What's remarkable that we're seeing — I can't recall having seen it before — is that you have somebody who is cooperating fully with an investigation.
The evidence that has come out is vindicating and exonerating, not implicating. (He said those words several times on MTP, and he almost got tongue-tied.)
Q: Ken Mehlman says the Democrats have no agenda. How do you respond?
A: I'd say it's clear:
We want honesty in government, we want to balance the budget and we want the government out of our personal lives. (Well-said, Governor.)
Q: How many times have you appeared with Ken Mehlman? Is that rare?
A: I actually don't appear with Ken Mehlman.
Q: At the same event?
A: Well, that's not unusual. That's sort of part of the deal.
(In other words I appear at the same events as Mehlman because it is part of my job, but otherwise....)