What the hell does a Republican have to do these days to get kicked out of office! If these allegations were made against a Democrat, he would be in the federal pen already! The article below is lengthy but very disturbing and heartbreaking.
http://www.spokesmanreview.com/local/story.asp?ID=82828Hahn was a Spokane County sheriff's deputy who killed himself in August 1981 after being accused of sexually abusing boys.
At the time of his death, Hahn was the assistant scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 345, which was headed by his friend and fellow deputy Jim West, who is now Spokane's mayor.
In a sworn deposition, Robert J. Galliher said West molested him at least four times in the 1970s, twice while West was on duty in uniform, driving a sheriff's car.
In an interview with the newspaper, Galliher said he was introduced to West by Hahn at Hahn's apartment. At the time of the alleged abuse, West lived in an apartment about a block from Hahn.
Can you imagne any Democrat still being in office with stuff out there like this on him?