I try, like so many others, to wake people up.
I wrote this to some friends and family...
Subject; "There's a monster behind you!"
"No there isn't."
"Yes there is! -It's RIGHT THERE! Why won't you look?!?"
"Because there couldn't possibly be a monster behind me, therefore it makes no sense to look." -Famous last words.
--Watergate was a 'conspiracy theory' until it was investigated.
Then it was a crime.
The Nazi takeover of Germany happened too.
Guess what Germans called fellow citizens who said something bad was happening?
You guessed it - 'Alarmists' and 'Conspiracy Theorists'.
Pearl Harbor? I don't know.
The moon? Yes, I'm pretty sure we got there, but I've heard some interesting arguments to the contrary.
Well... that too was just a 'conspiracy theory' until THE REST OF THE WORLD FOUND OUT IT WAS REAL.
What is the ONE common denominator that makes the difference between a 'conspiracy theory' and a 'crime'?
There is enough information out there that an intelligent person can sift through it and determine what is and is not likely.
Do you know one of the reasons you 'hear stuff on Fox News that you don't hear elsewhere'?
Not that that's a big deal really.
But they TELL you what to believe and you do.
Why is the media FINALLY paying attention to the Rove/Plame incident I told you about LAST YEAR?
Because people like me who PAY ATTENTION kept badgering them about it.
Now to lend some education...
-Valerie Plame was a CIA operative who worked in a front organization called 'Brewster Jennings and Associates'.
-In July of 2003 Robert Novak identified her as a CIA operative in his column. This was printed as having been related to him by 'Senior Administration Officials'. This was also right after her Husband, Joseph Wilson, publicly spoke out against the administration's claims that Saddam had sought Uranium from Niger. (And it turned out that he was correct... and that the documents the administration used to make the claim were forged)
-IMMEDIATELY after the outing of Valerie Plame, Brewster Jennings and Associates, the CIA operation DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for brokering deals and therefore TRACKING WsMD equipment around the world, was dissolved. All contacts were lost, and an anonymous gold star showed up on the CIA's wall of honor. (a deep cover operative somewhere out there paid the ultimate price and will never be identified so as not to compromise their work. Coincidental? Maybe.)
-That asset is gone as a DIRECT result of her name being printed.
Period. No argument. It's a fact.
Now the independant counsel with the highest level of integrity, Patrick Fitzgerald, is getting ready to hand down indictments.
So what are the Republicans, who have the most to lose doing?
http://www.observer.com/opinions_conason.asp(try reading it)
Not only is Fitzgerald a Republican, but he has gone after anyone, Republican, Democrat or other, who is involved in possibly criminal activity.
Fact - the revelation of Valerie Plame-Wilson compromised a national security asset.
This administration has been involved in far worse, and is currently refusing to release pictures and videos of Abu-Graib which, according to Democratic and Republican congresspersons alike who have seen some of them, depict murder and the rape of teenagers at the hands of Americans.
But you're right of course... this administration couldn't be this incompetent or wicked. Therefore we must all conclude that these things never happened and go back to watching soap-operas and living in our happy little world.
After all, if we don't look... the monster isn't there.
I do expect the same level of ignorance I usually get from most people... it's just disappointing.
Did I mention that Watergate and the Holocaust were conspiracies until someone looked?
The Holocaust happened because of the very same creepy thing that you said earlier... "I can't believe that..."
And to this day people still don't understand how that happened. I'll tell you... because nobody wanted to believe it could, so they didn't look. That's exactly how.
Now here I am, one of the few German citizens painstakingly trying to wake my fellow countrymen up before things get worse... and my own parents won't even listen.
Now I know how those Germans who tried to stop the holocaust felt...