1. send war criminals to be tried in the international criminal court 2. impose an indefinite moratorium on influence in foreign governmental affairs 3. disband the military and all the intelligence agencies 4. carry out an intensive public audit of all covert operations and potential crimes against humanity and/or war crimes 5. use the results of (4) to uncover additional offenders to send to the international criminal court to be tried for crimes against humanity and war crimes 6. publicly disclose the results of (4) 7. seize the assets of and dissolve all corporations involved in (4) 8. revoke corporate personhood 9. Repeal all laws passed during the Bush administration 10. Repudiate all judicial decisions passed by members of the Federalist Society (disbanded and prosecuted by the 4th and 5th points) 11. Repudiate all judicial decisions passed during the Bush administration. 12. Rescind all executive orders given during the Bush administration. 13. Outlaw lobbyists. 14. Outlaw thinktanks. 15. Outlaw electronic voting 16. Outlaw private prisons 17. Legalize all drugs 18. Legalize all informed, consensual acts (in particular prostitution) 18. Free all imprisoned drug offenders and prostitutes 19. Eliminate the death penalty 20. Replace all current correctional staff, forbidding law enforcement or correctional roles to ever be assumed again by any such persons. 21. Establish strict control over prison conditions, with intensive surveillance and redundant watchdog monitoring of prison staff, prisoners, and the like for abuse. 22. Comprehensively survey current and former prison inmates for instances of rape and mutilation, and intensively prosecute such. 23. Abolish all powers of psychiatric confinement granted to physicians. 24. Abolish all powers of involuntary administration of medication and/or surgery granted to physicians. 25. Outlaw plea bargains. 26. Pay reparations to ethnic groups victimized by US imperialism, granting the most valuable 10% of the land in the country to Native Americans, all land formerly held by slaveowners to descendents of former slaves, ownership of and sovereignty over the historical Texas area (larger than the state of Texas) to the Mexican government, and monetary reparations to all Latin American states the US has subjected to military incursions, as well as Middle Eastern states likewise victimized. 27. Rewrite the tax code from scratch for a progressive and loophole-free income tax, re-establish the estate tax, and similar. 28. Reestablish social security. 29. Nationalize healthcare outright. 30. Nationalize all industries involving the development of "the commons." 31. Seize the assets of and dissolve all organizations and/or corporations or persons committing egregious environmental offenses. 32. Freeze all major banks' assets pending an intensive investigation of money laundering or other support for criminal activities. 33. Arrest all election officials involved in elections over the past 20 years pending investigations of their activities. 34. Arrest all elected officials of the Republican party who have held office ever in their lifetime pending investigations of corruption, criminal activities, or involvement in criminal conspiracies in their activities. 35. Halt all participation in the IMF and/or WTO. 36. Make unions mandatory for all workplaces. 37. Aggressively pursue energy independence, investing all public funds directed toward energy toward renewable energy resources and penalizing all organizations/corporations/etc. involved in non-renewal resource -related activities. 38. Reallocate the entire defense budget to education. 39. Pass a constitutional amendment giving equal rights to sexual orientation and gender identity, in particular marriage, self-determination of gender identity imposed at a federal level, and the like. 40. Comprehensively reform all sodomy, rape, and other laws to be stated in manners respecting all sexual orientations and gender identities. 41. Repeal the Taft-Hartley act. 42. I'm running out of steam, here. You get the idea. None of this is ever going to happen.