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"Although we are over a year from election day 2006, already our historic campaign to elect Congressman Bernie Sanders to the United States Senate is making news across the country. The latest is a cover story in The Nation by one of America's foremost political writers, John Nichols.
His story on Bernie Sanders, "BEING LIKE BERNIE: What Democrats Can Learn From Sanders-Style Populism", lays out the true significance of Bernie Sanders' Senate campaign. A victory in Vermont will serve as a model for how progressives can build a winning coalition that can turn back the right wing assault on America. Please check it out at Let us know what you think by writing to us at or replying to this email.
Onward to victory.
Phil Fiermonte
Sanders for Senate
PS: As you know Bernie is on the Republican hit list and we will be the target of an orchestrated campaign to prevent him from becoming Vermont's next Senator. Please help Bernie win this seat with a contribution-- , by signing up for the Sanders' E-Scoop-- , and by forwarding this email on to all the people you know who want to stop Karl Rove and George Bush from buying another US Senate seat. Thanks!