August 01, 2005
Despite Big Week for Bush, No Bounce So Far: Bush Job Rating at 45%—Virtually Unchanged from Last Month; Supreme Court Pick Roberts Favorably Viewed by Two-in-Three, New Zogby Poll Reveals
Despite a big week for the President, including passage of his energy bill, a high-profile transportation bill and the CAFTA agreement by Congress, favorable press coverage surrounding his personal commitment to fitness, and a positive public reaction to his first Supreme Court appointment, the President’s approval rating is virtually unchanged from polling conducted in late June.
The low approval rating is the continuation of a trend that began in late February and has remained constant throughout the first months of President Bush’s second term.I think their measurements, especially on the 'handling terrorism' metric, are running a bit high (at least 2% everywhere) and amount to an overcorrecting for their bias too far against Republicans last year. But there are a lot of amusing bits of data here.
Remember that criticism levels tend to decline a bit during summers, generally, and gain 3-10% in late August and early December.