Waiting for the RNC news release.........
http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=51210DNC Celebrates 40th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act
8/1/2005 4:44:00 PM
To: National Desk
Contact: Karen Finney of the Democratic National Committee, 202-863-8148
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 /U.S. Newswire/ -- This week, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Events in the coming days will also highlight the Act's continued importance and the need to reauthorize these celebrated principles enshrined into law to ensure voting rights for all Americans regardless of race, gender or economic status. As part of the celebration of the right of all Americans to participate in the political process, DNC Chairman Howard Dean will make remarks on the Act to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in Birmingham, AL and the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) in Atlanta, GA this week. Democrats across the country will be encouraged to contact their elected officials and ask them to support the Act, as well as write their local newspapers to show their own support for this historic legislation. The DNC website will feature blog posts from Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rep. Mike Honda and many other elected officials.
"Forty years ago, the passage of the Voting Rights Act was a watershed moment for civil rights in America. This historic legislation codified the rights we still hold dear and is as relevant and necessary today as it was when it gave hope to the burgeoning numbers of Americans who went to the polls to vote despite fear, intimidation and violence," said Dean. "The Voting Rights Act is an act for all Americans. It is a democratic safeguard protecting our most basic freedoms." "The Democratic Party's vision for America is a political process that allows all eligible Americans to vote and have their votes properly counted. We will push for bi-partisan support for the reauthorization of the Act's provisions that remain true to the goals and spirit of its passage.
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