Have we lost our minds?
This is so amazing that I just have no words. How can someone summarize what is going on here? And it isn't even in the mainstream press.
The US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) is setting up the rules by which Iran will be nuked.
Now let me get this straight. We are right now paving the way for a police state lockdown on US citizens via the misnamed Patriot Act,
And we know that the US is preparing for containment of large populations in case of a "national emergency" such as disease, or riots… you know, the kind of riots that happen when people are starving due to cascading collapse of petroleum-based industry?
And we know that we are losing the war in Iraq because we can't hold the ground and nobody in the world is going to help us.
And we know that peak oil is coming along and therefore the fight over the second biggest pool of oil in Iraq.
All this adds up to a marginalized US global empire. And without growth, our system can't survive. And without increasing electricity via increasing amounts of finite resources, we won't have the power to maintain our economy or our police state either.
But wait!
Dick Cheney says that he will nuke Iran now.
Yes! That is his joker in the deck.
A wildcard like that would turn the whole region into a radioactive ocean of glass.
Perhaps perfect for fastening oil rigs by remote control? Oh my.
Get this - According to the plan below by STRATCOM which is acting under Dick Cheney... you know, the same guy who engineered 911 according to Mike Ruppert and others... Oh this is too rich... Dick says that if the US is attacked again like 911, then we will nuke Iran.
So, now, all Dick Cheney has to do to avoid a Nuremberg trial is to repeat his 911 performance and then implement his STRATCOM "response" to arbitrarily nuke Iran. No more insurgency and no more questions. Ruler of the world. Oil for globalists and a great big controlled dieoff ensues.
This can't work. This is totally insane.
If forced to predict how history will judge this , I would say that the US can't expect to come out of this looking good or even surviving as a nation. Our direction with open borders and police state and PNAC and market bubbles has already reached a terminal velocity. We need to get our foot off the gas, bring our troops home, put them on the border and de-grid our houses and depopulate our cities and take our land back from the UN and federal government and bring sound money in and kick out the Federal Reserve System and localize politics.
We are going so far and so fast in the absolute opposite direction into a concrete wall and the maps all show us this and yet we are distracted, sleeping and, well, we are in for a shock very soon.
One way or another, the world, is about to change radically and permanently and soon.