Five Key Features of Democracy - and How We Lost Them by arendt
Religious fanaticism has blighted human existence since consciousness and spirituality arose, intertwined, from the pre-conscious mind. For millenia, decent, productive people in the Western world stumbled through a nightmare of torture, execution, martyrdom, inquisition, and the self-mutilating folly of anti-intellectualism.
It was only with the rise of scientific/rational thought that the concept of Separation of Church and State (SCS) freed European civilization from the scourge of corrupt, homosocial theocracies. In the new light of SCS, one might even argue that Jesus' "render unto Caesar" parable was an endorsement of SCS.
Today's citizens of Enlightenment democracies take for granted the effectiveness of SCS as much as we take for granted the effectiveness of anti-biotics in protecting us from baterial infections. In our lifetimes in our relatively sane societies, we have never seen the especially resilient carbuncles of theocratic ignorance and chosen-people bigotry. Granted, we have been ignorant and bigoted. But, in a rational society, once these things are exposed; they cannot continue to stand unchanged.
In America though, we seem to have an encountered a strain of SCS-resistant theocracy that could rapidly prove fatal to our rational democracy. We are way beyond abortion clinic bombers, Promise Keeper rallies, and other relatively managable problems. Our new symptoms are serious and rapidly escalating: evangelical hazing at the Air Force Academy; General Boykin announcing to the Moslems "our god is bigger than yours"; George W. Bush endorsing creation science, appointing fundamentalist crackpots to women's health panels, and tearing down SCS from within by stealth theocrat judicial appointments and transparently illegal faith-based initiatives.
The perception that this theocratic threat appeared suddenly is false. That mistake occurred because hubris is not limited to accomplishments in science or engineering. We ought to rename Liberalism to Hubrism for its triumphalism even as the corporate/theocrat backlash cut it off at the knees. Christian fundamentalism began with 19th century rejection of equality, scientific explanation, and evolution. (No, Virginia, fundamentalism has little to do with the mileau of Jesus.) It was pushed to the margins of society in the first half of the 20th century.
It was at that point that most rational people congratulated themselves on their permanent victory over ignorance and moved on. That was their big mistake. Left unmolested in the backwaters of a huge continent, religious fanatics were thrown together with unrepentant racists, economic cranks, Red-baiters, women-haters, homophobes, and other types that think with their emotions - primarily hatred, envy, and revenge. An unholy hybridization occurred in these deprived environments. In ways similar to the way cancer cells use natural selection to increase their virulence in the toxic environment of under-vascularized tumors, or the way bacteria share drug-resistance genes by exchanging plasmids, a new mass psychology of fanaticism emerged, containing the ugliest features from the witches' brew of its founding ideologies.
In fact, the likelihood of such an ideological super-bug forming by chance is about the same as an avalanche in the Himalyas constructing a replica of the Taj Mahal. That is, next to zero. We must conclude that the coat of viral ideas, corporate fronts, and lobbyists that protects the core dogmas of authoritarianism, aristocracy, misogyny, chosen-people-ism, anti-intellectualism, and insatiable greed was engineered. We are facing a carefully engineered religious virus tailored to the weaknesses of its target, the American Republic today.
This virus was injected into its victim by the worst scum cashiered from the morally-bankrupt Nixon administration and from the CIA after the Church hearings, allied with sociopathic religious cult empire- builders like the Reverend Moon - a man who paid George H.W. Bush to give speeches in South America and bailed out the hate-mongering enterprises of Jerry Falwell. This whole exercise in Joseph Campbell- style myth-making was bankrolled by the unendable anti-Communist/anti-union crusade that brought wealth and power to the Military Industrial Complex. That crusade has now morphed into the unendable war on terror. Same game, same players, new name.
What, exactly, are the exploited weaknesses of the barely-recognizable American government today? I see at least five key features of massive leverage that allowed a tiny group of people to wreck a government that was serving over 300,000,000 people better than any comparable organization:
1) Transparency in Government Lost due to the inability to expose and control the ever-growing black budgets and black ops of the intelligence community, which inevitably and increasingly impinge upon Americans' liberties at home. 2) Freedom of Speech and of the Press Lost due to the unwillingness to prevent the corporate takeover of the mass media by conglomeration , thereby knocking out one of the main beams of a popular democracy - an informed electorate.
3) Freedom of Religion Lost due to the unwillingess to investigate whether a religion is nothing more than a cover for otherwise illegal activity activity (like Rev Moon's conviction for racketeering), culminating in a refusal to remove tax-free status for the most flagrant politicing with church resources. (Phony religions have "no redeeming spiritual value", but a whole lot of "redeeming political value".) Also lost due to the unwillingness to shutdown violence and incitements to violence emanating from religious movements organized like revoultionary cells.
4) Impartial Courts - a nation of laws, not men. Lost due to the failure to stand up to slow-motion court-packing and Executive Agency corruption by the GOP over a 20 year period.
5) An honest and transparent voting process Lost due to the failure to prosecute partisan bias and rampant corruption in the election process: infamous state election commissioner/GOP operatives in Florida and Ohio; a judicial coup d'etat in the year 2000; and the privatization and veiling of the voting process by companies owned by GOP theocrats and thugs. These key features form the core of popular democracy: access to accurate information, the ability to disseminate accurate information, the ability to hold unpopular positions based on that information, the guarantee of a fair voting process, and access to a fair and impartial precedent-abiding judicial system. With all these components functioning, blind fanaticism is stopped in its tracks. It is discovered, exposed, and voted out or sued out of political and economic power.
But, the viral engineers have targetted those five key features and, in a form of political jiu-jitsu, used them as entry points to gain access to the machinery of government while disabling any defensive response. Just as a virus goes straight to the nucleus of an infected cell and jams the main protein making machinery, substituting machinery that responds only to viral commands, the political virus of fanaticism places its agents in positions of power (such as inside the intelligence community, or inside the corporate media, or inside a phony religious front organization, or on a packed Federal court, or in a supposedly-impartial election board), and those agents respond only to commands from the fanatics.
Now when you take these five features away, ask yourself if what remains is really a democracy. I submit you will find a one-party state where "power comes from the barrel of a gun", crucial facts and decisions are hidden behind a stonewall of secrecy, and an unaccountable elite treats the nation's resources as its private treasury and dishes out payoffs to its buddies and punishment to its enemies without regard to fairness or evidence.
America is no longer a republic; it is a one-party state where anyone who disagrees is ignored or run over. If they are troublesome but obscure, they may be "rendered" to a foreign government for interrogation. If they are troublesome and powerful, an airplane accident may occur. (Assasinations are out of vogue because they lend themselves too easily to "conspiracy theories".) If they are troublesome and popular, a smear campaign will commence. And, most Americans will find this all boring or irrelevant or a conspiracy theory. Mass media is the most powerful drug I have ever seen. If the rest of the civilized world intends to survive, its first act of self-defense must be to regulate media conglomeration more tightly than cocaine dealership.
I write this with little hope for America, except that it may serve as the premier bad example of the most recently evolved member of the species of religious fanaticism - corporate Christianity. What little hope I have for the survival of rationality rests with the fact that, except for religious fanatics, human beings want to live with the least possible conflict in the most sensible way they can comprehend.
The world will stop the fundamentalist monster that has hijacked America or the world itself will be killed - by climate change, by environmental pollution, by resource depletion, or by insane fanatics with visions of nuclear Armageddon. The fact that America will have to be brought low to save the world is a conclusion that events are forcing upon me. We seem unable to save ourselves, no matter how outrageous the lies, corruption, and mayhem inflicted upon us by the Bush Cabal. Given that Peak Oil is upon us, America seems about to go the way of Imperial Spain after the New World gold ran out.