Edited on Wed Aug-03-05 02:03 PM by skip fox
One of the judges who Fitzgerald convinced (with evidence we have not yet seen) while up-holding his order that reporters must testify claimed the case indicated that there was an administrative "plot against Wilson."
If the evidence that the judge has seen proves substantial, it will reinforce the thinking that maintains there may will be multiple indictments for "high administration officials" in Fitzgerald's final analysis including at least 2 for Rove. (If not indictments, we'll have notifications of non-indictable wrongful activities--or some such--in the prosecutor's final report).
I say this because in learning about multiple leakers for the 6 reported contacts (John Dean says 6, we know of three: Rove, Libby, and Miller's source who will not specifically release her from her confidentiality agreement) and multiple (3-4) confirming sources, it becomes apparent what occurred. One administrative official discovered the Plame-Wilson-Niger relationship, took it to the White House Iraq Group, turned it over to Rove, who on the spot assigned tasks to different primary leakers/sources assuring no source called another source's contact (so as not to appear too eager), that no source's "pitch" was exactly the same but that their information was all given in an "off hand" manner (e.g., "Don't go too far out on this Wilson thing, I don't want you burnt").
To have 6 calls from 3 leakers is an indication of a coordinated endeavor. If there were the 6 leakers as Dean claims would make the case even more damning. But also consider the planning necessary to have enough confirming sources. Unsure of who the reporters may call to confirm, someone would have to make sure at least 2 other officials were ready and willing to confirm if called.
Therefore a master-mind would have been necessary to coordinate all these calls and confirmations (as many as 11 as was storied last week).
They would have gone to Rove immediately and he, probably in an emergency of the White House Iraq Group, assigned the roles, the stories and the stances, etc.
So he not only leaked by was the mastermind of a conspiracy to leak.
We can only hope he lead a cover-up and committed perjury as well.