One of the sad things about the sorting out of last year's election is that he's not in government anymore. What with his wife's cancer and his anti-poverty work, it's probably good for him to be in the wilderness for awhile.
There's been too much rancor between Clark supporters and Edwards supporters, and I know I'm responsible for plenty, so it's good to hear musings like this.
Two of the gifts the guy has is his ability to connect and his extreme polish: he doesn't misspeak, and he's the kind of guy who can talk with cabbages and kings. I can't think of any other candidate (except maybe Mosely-Braun) who didn't blurt out some boner that had to be retracted or explained. Besides that, he's someone whom hinterland conservatives can be seen talking with without recriminations from home. That's golden.
What people forget about the presidency is that it's a job for diplomacy and statesmanship, and for someone with relatively little government experience, he's remarkably sophisticated. Trial lawyering is a real performance art, and it's great training for politics; remember: he was in the trenches for twenty plus years, and even his adversaries respected him. Elizabeth likes to point out how he was always underestimated, and he finessed many a skilled opponent. Hell, he whupped Jesse Helms' hand-picked boy in a rather conservative state in his first campaign.
Sadly, the way one runs is often not the best representation. As you know, I was a partisan for him as early as '01, and what really drew me to him was that he was fighting a version of populist class-warfare. His ringing quote was that "the only thing George Bush respects is wealth." It's just plain silly that Dean was characterized as the leftist of the bunch; he was one of the most conservative of the 9 or 10 guys and gal on the stage. Edwards had a rural platform, was steadfast against the Bush tax cuts and really connected with lots of us due to this.
The right was scared to death of the guy; you'll note that some of the biggest statistical thieveries in the '04 election were in NC.
Rest assured, though, he'll be a power in our country's future. Whether he ever holds office again or not, he'll be a player. He's out there raising money, and he helped Hackett. Not only that, he's got an extraordinary wife and they're both as down-to-earth as they are brilliant. The guy's a star, and I can't really think of that many others on either side of the aisle who have that oomph.
Thanks again.