Brad Blog has a series of posts on this.
In a massive new attempt today to disinform the American Voting Public and sidetrack the true bi-partisan Election Reform movement in this country, the phony "voting rights" group -- calling themselves deceptively "American Center for Voting Rights" (ACVR) -- issued a new report today charging that Democrats were "Far More Involved In Voter Intimidation And Suppression In 2004."
Five different heavily Democratic-leaning cities were cited in each of six different Press Releases issued at once via US Newswire within the last hour as being amongst the "top Election Fraud Hotspots" in the country. The sixth Press Release was focused on pushing the ACVR propoganda claim: "Democrat Operatives Far More Involved In Voter Intimidation, Suppression In 2004".
The deceptively-self-described "non-partisan" ACVR, as previously exposed in a series of exclusive articles on The BRAD BLOG, is a Republican front group created by high-level GOP operatives expressly for the purpose of spreading disinformation to sidetrack the Election Reform movement in this country.
Both of ACVR's main players continue to be tied to the upper echelons of the GOP and are longtime Republican partisan operatives. Executive Director Mark F. "Thor" Hearne, has been a backroom player for years in the Missouri and national GOP parties and was most recently the National General Counsel for Bush/Cheney '04 Inc. Their Press Spokesman Jim Dyke was the RNC Communications Director during the 2004 election responsible for arranging to have operatives dress up in "Flipper" costumes at John Kerry election events.
The ACVR report was released yesterday and his update on this latest Repuke deception lists contact information so I'm calling on DU members to help out and stop this in its tracks. According to Brad, it's already been reported on in the Washington Times (no surprise) but I'm afraid other MSM will also pick it without researching the accuracy.
We recommend you click on all of the articles and blogs linked in this item, and leave comments (at least on the sites that allow it) letting the bloggers know how you feel about their credibility. Feel free to point them to any of our ACVR reports, or our master index of Special Coverage on ACVR at Yes, it's important to correct the record before their noise allows "conventional wisdom" to set incorrectly into place.
Edited for typo