and hand-down indictments or issue a report. He has the grand jury until the end of October, but he could finish at any time between now and then.
The WH is obviously trying to find out when Fitzgerald will wind up his investigation. Surely Rove & Co. are speaking to everyone they can, even those actually involved in the investigation, even marginally (i.e., clerks, janitors, caterers, secretaries--everyone in a large organization knows that one needs to project and request use of space and services).
Trying to maneuver in the political environment following the report and/or indictments, every bit of intelligence which would help in terms of timing and news cycles would be of profound interest.
Thus, we might watch the WH for signs of bracing or attempting to create a diversion (a Renquist retirement?, military stare-down with Iran?). And it might be useful for us to keep the story "primed" until then in order to deflect the administration's attempts to downplay or obscure the conclusions of the prosecutor.
This story of the WH bracing itself might be an indication of it knowledge of something other than Democratic charges., it will be important to us to know as well.