Rose, citing “some of the wiretaps,” reports that “the FBI’s targets had arranged for tens of thousands of dollars to be paid to Hastert’s campaign funds in small checks.
And while the Vanity Fair article reports that “there is no evidence that any payment was ever made to Hastert or to his campaigns,” it also reports that “a senior official at the Turkish Consulate is said to have claimed in one recording that the price for Hastert to withdraw the resolution would have been at least $500,000.”
The article reports that Edmonds testified that she heard about the payments when listening to “Turkish wiretap targets.”
Hestert, the house speaker runs in District 14 in Illinois. He has had very little competition, but in 2004 Ruben K. Zamora took 31% of the vote with only several thousand dollars. A HUGE achievement with so little money.
But Hestert is tainted now, who knows he may even stand down. This is a race like Ohio-02 that we have the ability to win.
So what does he stand for, well he is as progressive as they get (from
To safety at home, in the community and in the world.
To free speech and assembly.
To civil liberties, including the rights of trial by jury, effective counsel, and due process of law.
To privacy, including protection from unwanted invasion or surveillance and unreasonable search and seizure.
To vote and have his or her vote count.
To equal opportunity and protection, with an end to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, physical or developmental ability or sexual orientation.
To economic justice, including decent and safe work that pays a living wage and the right to organize for better working standards.
To security in retirement, including guaranteed, inflation-proof Social Security.
To affordable and comprehensive health care.
To an affordable quality education at any age.
To a clean and healthy environment where pollution is no longer a threat.
To full reproductive privacy.
To a foreign and military agenda that is responsible, achieves goals that are shared by our global allies, and promotes international cooperation.
To a government that promotes freedom, democracy, justice, and peace in domestic and world affairs.
* Unleashing the creative potential of our schools and universities.
* Creating economic opportunity for all our citizens.
* Quality, affordable healthcare for all.
* Protecting human, civil, and immigrant rights.
* A democracy where the citizens are the first priority instead of corporations.
* Security at home through diplomacy and mended international relationships.
* A nation ruled by hope, not fear.
* Campaign finance reform.
* A fair, re-prioritized system of taxation.
* High ethical standards and accountability in personal and organizational life.
* Protecting the environment, including:
Researching and enacting renewable sources of energy.
Balanced urban growth.
Stopping the Outer Beltway (the Sprawlway).
Protecting the family farm.
He's going to need money and support for this to happen. I am going to meet with him this evening and get everything set up with ActBlue. Over the coming months i will be posting more information, and asking for your help to "SEND HASTERT BACK TO YORKTOWN!" PERMANENTLY!