"LONDON - Ahmed Ali moved to Britain nearly 13 years ago, found work as a London bus driver and became a British citizen. During that time, the Somali-born Muslim says he never suffered abuse because of his ethnic background or religion. Last weekend, that changed. Ali became one of hundreds of Muslims reportedly subjected to abuse as part of a 600 percent increase in hate crimes in the capital following the London bombings."
Reply 1 - Posted by: noddy, 8/4/2005 5:12:12 PM
I am amazed that they are amazed.
Reply 2 - Posted by: carl todd hand, 8/4/2005 5:13:54 PM
There was a huge increase on 7/7 and on 7/21 ... over 50 people murdered. Is that what they're complaining about? Didn't think so.
Reply 3 - Posted by: amereagle, 8/4/2005 5:21:13 PM
Islam is evil and Muslims should be expelled forcefully from the West.
Reply 4 - Posted by: jkendal, 8/4/2005 5:27:38 PM
Does he have proof? Or is it all trumped up to stir up racial tension just like they did here in the US after 9/11. No proof was ever produced that muslims were increasingly becoming victims of hate crimes, but that didn't stop LSM from broadcasting it daily.
By the way, it's not a hate crime to look suspiciously at someone who matches the profile of certain people who have been committing attrocities against the West. It's called common sense.
Reply 5 - Posted by: Mr. Wolf, 8/4/2005 5:28:28 PM
Fingers...too's smallest...violin!
Reply 6 - Posted by: Patriot and a Lady2, 8/4/2005 5:29:14 PM
No. 2, I agree. If hate crimes are one the rise in Britain, it's the Muslims who are planning/carrying out the bombings who are causing hate crimes to go up.
Reply 9 - Posted by: cap MarineTet68, 8/4/2005 5:53:34 PM
600% ??? WOW! THat is horrible!
But wait a minute.
1.8 Million arabs and 260 of them get soem level of harrassment?
Like my grammaw said, Scroom!
Reply 11 - Posted by: lambdaman, 8/4/2005 6:16:47 PM
How does one distinguish a "hate crime" from a "preserving our way of life" action?
Reply 12 - Posted by: 1940s guy, 8/4/2005 6:24:44 PM
For 30 years I have been traveling to London and invariably I am in a department store waiting for the lift, the door will open and one solitary Arab will be inside waving his arms and saying no, no, no. He wants the car all to himself. When in MacDonald's the Arabs cut the line from the side to where you just give up and go somewhere else. They think they are superior and now have safety in numbers and double hate crime laws in their favor.