grand jury just like Time Magazine got all the information from their reporter and turned it in to the grand jury, and everyone knows it is Rove . . . everyone knows it's Rove. That is why I do not see the point of the "special" prosecutor" and paying out all that money for an investigation that has taken them two years to get started on.
Kind of reminds me of the way Bush/Cheney handled the 9/11 investigation. They put it off and put it off as long as possible in the hopes that the people would eventually not push so hard for it . . . but they were wrong on that one. Some of the families declined the million plus dollars that was offered and they have gotten their own private lawyers.
That's typical strategy by any defense attorney. Put it off as long as you can get away with. They will ask the judge for more time among other little tricks. By doing this, people tend to forget exactly everything so clearly. Unless they write it down, the majority of people will forget, and even try to forget something horrible that has happened. That explanation fits 9/11 pretty good.
Everyone has a right to a speedy trial, and if you are in jail and cannot afford bail or your own attorney, then you want a speedy trial. However, if you can afford a private attorney, can make bail, then putting off the trial works out better for the defendant most times.