By Buddy Spell
Upbeat Defiance.com
August 4, 2005
For the last thirty-six hours or so, there has been a rumor percolating within activist circles that Cindy Sheehan, patriot warrior and co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, was lashing together a direct action at George W. Bush’s home in Crawford, Texas this weekend. The rumor was confirmed by a post on her Daily Kos diary at
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/8/4/94551/60876 .
So, this lady, who has been called “the new face of the antiwar movement,” inspires us once again as she fights for the memory of her oldest child, Casey, who lost his life in the occupation of Iraq. She is an American hero who also fights for every mother’s child caught up in the meat grinder which is American foreign policy.
In the month of September, Cindy is scheduled to appear in Italy, Colorado, Louisiana, and Washington, DC for the September 24th mass rally. But for now, she seems content to make her stand in the Lone Star State. When we spoke this evening, she said that she has a few questions for the president and that she’s heading to Crawford to get the answers. “I am not leaving until George answers me or I am arrested. I may stay there the entire month of August.”
Two days ago, this action wasn’t even a consideration. I asked her if something in particular had happened to inspire this abrupt change in plans. “Yes the deaths of 24 soldiers already this month and the president's asinine comments about it. Bush said that we families who have fallen loved ones can rest assured that our loved ones died for a ‘Noble Cause’ I want him to explain to me what this cause is. He also AGAIN said that we need to honor the sacrifices of the fallen and their families by completing the mission. I want him to know not to abuse and exploit Casey's name and our family to continue the killing. Every member of GSFP is behind us on this.”
Not only Gold Star Families for Peace, but, according to Cindy, the action has already been endorsed by “VFP, MFSO, IVAW, Code Pink, and the Crawford Peace House.”
The direct action begins this Saturday, August 6, at 11:00 AM. It remains to be seen as to how and when it will end. Upbeat Defiance will maintain contact with our friend, Cindy Sheehan, throughout this action and will report accordingly.
Peace out.