Something has happened to President Bush's script.
It used to read so well that it was almost predictable. What happened to the deck of cards with the enemies faces on them? Remember that? That was back when attacking Iraq was a good idea.
It's well known that all of Bush's events are highly staged, with security as an excuse. It's also well known that the Administration has a very strong control over the message delivered in the press.
In the past, whenever problems arose, they seemed to vanish with barely a whimper. Consider the little slip-up in the State of the Union address. Remember that? That was before we went into Iraq. I believe we were at about stage orange at the time, but I could be wrong. It's never been a green or a blue. It's like that blasted doomsday clock of the Cold War, whose hands would stay at a minute to midnight. One day, in the 90s, they moved the hands back an hour or something. Amazing. Well, the color coded terror report is disturbing to me too. As Barbara Bush might say, life is just too precious to spend all of your time worrying about the threat of a car accident or a war.
I remember cringing as obvious lies went unchallenged. Like the Niger claim. The rest of the world knew of these problems and stayed away. Yet, we've somehow re-elected President Coo-koo Bananas, to quote Homer Simpson.
But if I'm not mistaken (and I may very well be), it seems that whoever was writing the script is either getting tired or has been replaced. I mean, there is no control over what's going on in the media right now. Fox, in their deer-in-a-headlight response, has been covering a missing Alabama teenager 24/7. O'Reilley is arguing with Coulter. Santorum is selling a book that is a pun against Hillary - a not unpopular woman. And Novak - well...I'm just waiting for the next shoe to fall at this point.
In fact, I'm beginning to think that nominating this justice was an attempt at damage control. They're actually conceding the seat to a conservative judge who is not off the deep end (crossing my fingers). This is so strange that it can't go unnoticed. In fact, being as it's American politics we're talking about, there must be a good deal of money involved.
Who are these oil barons and what are the underlings planning? I'm terribly suspicious, and I'll remain so for a while. Until someone can stand up and say without hesitation that 'every vote counts' and that 'we have not yet won the war in Iraq' and that 'security at home will be our top priority' and that 'we will have a government that is fiscally sound'.
These, to me, are simple American concepts. They promote liberty and prosperity and security and justice for all. So, forgive my cynical nature, but am I wrong here when I suggest that something has happened to the script?