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PNAC info needed, re. Iran.

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Changenow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 10:49 AM
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PNAC info needed, re. Iran.
With the attack on Iran eminent I went back for a fascinating reread of this generation's of the Mein Kampf; Rebuilding America's Defenses. It is as creepy now as it was four years ago.

There are parts pertaining to Iran which I'd like to spread around but I can't find an html copy of the documents. That isn't an accident I'm sure, but it has to be somewhere. It will really slow me down if I have to retype.


PS the link to the pdf is if anyone here would like to have their blood run cold.
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 10:55 AM
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1. Funny I just replied to you in the PNAC thread

You should be able to copy and paste directly from that PDF - it's text-based. Did you try that? If it doesn't work for you tell me what section you want and I can copy it out for you.
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Changenow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:03 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks.
It looked like the PNAC section was not visited often so I thought I'd be bold.

I'll try again to cut and paste from the pdf,
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pk_du Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:38 AM
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3. My favorite part...
Taken all in all, the force posture and
service structure we advocate differ enough
from current plans that estimating its costs
precisely based upon known budget plans is
unsound. Likewise, generating independent
cost analyses is beyond the scope of this
report and would be based upon great
political and technological uncertainties –
any detailed assumptions about the cost of
new overseas bases or revolutionary
weaponry are bound to be highly speculative
absent rigorous net assessments and
program analysis. Nevertheless, we believe
that, over time, the program we advocate
would require budgets roughly equal to
those necessary to fully fund the QDR force
– a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of
gross domestic product. A sensible plan
would add $15 billion to $20 billion to total
defense spending annually through the
Future Years Defense Program; this would
result in a defense “topline” increase of $75
billion to $100 billion over that period, a
small percentage of the $700 billion onbudget
surplus now projected for that same
period. We believe that the new president
should commit his administration to a plan
to achieve that level of spending within four

..."laugh out loud" funny. ( too difficult to cost-estimate the crap we are suggesting and anyway we have a projected 700 Bln surplus )
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frankly_fedup2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 02:13 PM
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4. That is why they hated Clinton so bad. He set back their plans for eight
years. Also, that is why they were not going to take a chance in 2000. They figured by then that Jeb would be running (and I sometimes wonder if he would be less of an embarrassment to this country). Anyway, as soon as Bush got selected, they put their plans into action. The night the Supreme Court stated that the counting was to stop and Gore gave his speech, I remember looking at my husband and saying, "I Wonder how long it will be before we are at war with Iraq?

Then 9/11 happened. It only happened because Bush was elected. I know this to be true in my heart because the Taliban did not want that pipeline coming through Afghanistan, no matter how much money they offered. Just before 9/11 happened, the Taliban met with some of the big oil industry leaders in Texas. Again, they wanted no pipeline. I believe this was in July. In August, 2001,

I believe after this is when Bin Laden figured they better attack us before we attacked them (just like the paperwork on Dubya's desk stated). That is why Dubya had that shocked look on his face while he sat in that chair, not having the first clue as to what to do. He knew why they had attacked us. He knew who had attacked us, and he could not believe they beat us to the punch.

The most telling thing I heard on Sept 11, 2001, while all the horror was still going on was a statement Cheney made, I'll never forget it. When I heard it, it just did not seem to me that what he said would be even thought of unless he knew about it.

Cheney made the statement after all the planes had crashed and just before the buildings fell. He timed his statement because he knew the buildings were going to fall. One of the reporters that VP Cheney had stated that the SOB's had made sure that all of the planes were full of fuel as well, since all were headed from Boston to the West Coast.

Also, remember there was questions as to whether the plane over Pennsylvania was shot down by a white plane that some eye witnesses claimed to have seen? Then there was a question as to who gave the order if it was shot down? Remember Bush said he talked to his mother and father once he was in the air and they claimed that they had been grounded as well? However, under questioning Bush claimed he could not get through to VP Cheney due to the "cell phones" problems he was having. Then they started selling pictures of Bush "supposedly" talking to Cheney on Air Force One during the crisis. Anyone notice that was a more-or-less land line phone?

That's the thing about lying, once the lies started, they couldn't keep up with all of them.

Otherwise, PNAC is wild, huh? I keep trying to study it. What amazes me is they continue to put it out there publicly, and no one cares. Be sure to keep a copy for yourselves and always update it. I'm just afraid one day they will stop sharing and deny everything. I want to have hard copy to refer back to.
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