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another August ... all that's changed is the body count ...

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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 12:51 PM
Original message
another August ... all that's changed is the body count ...
more than 50% of Americans and probably something like 95% of the rest of the world want the US to get the hell out of Iraq ... but our two Party system is failing us ... most elected Democrats and most elected republicans have bought into the idea that "we're stuck there" ... just what kind of representation is there for those who disagree ...

all sorts of noble objectives are given for remaining ... but how many of you really believe we will "stabilize Iraq" ... how many believe continued occupation will lead to a positive outcome ... how many believe that progress is being made in Iraq and the US should "stay the course" ...

here are 3 excerpts from news stories from August in 2003, 2004, 2005 ... about the only thing that's really changed from one year to the next is the body count ...

August, 2003
"Yet since he arrived in Iraq, he has seen more "terrorism" than he can have dreamt of in his worst nightmares - and has been able to do nothing about it. Pipeline sabotage, electricity sabotage, water sabotage, attacks on US troops and British troops and Iraqi policemen and now the bombing of the UN. What comes next? The Americans can reconstruct the dead faces of Saddam's two sons, but they can't reconstruct Iraq."

August, 2004
"Scattered attacks across the country yesterday killed at least 19 Iraqis and wounded dozens of others, including four US soldiers. A US soldier also died Saturday in a "non-combat related incident," the military said yesterday."

August, 2005
"The U.S. military said Thursday that four more American service members died in Iraq, including one in Euphrates River valley where 14 Marines were killed in the worst roadside bombing targeting American forces in the Iraq war. CBS News has learned that a triple-stacked mine killed the Marines. "
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Chipper Chat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 01:09 PM
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1. August 2006:
"Representatives of the northern breakaway Kurdish province refused to meet with President Moqtada Al-Sadr today in Basra, claiming that they want no more contact with the government of the former country of Iraq."
"The statue of Saddam Hussein was repositioned in downtown Baghdad after local officials were successful in designating it as a historical landmark."
"The remaining 50,000 American troops in Baghdad's "green zone" are still hunkered down, unable to move freely without grave danger of attack from insurgents as well as hostile citizens."
"US President Bush still refuses to airlift the troops insisting the tide will turn soon and that "we are winning the war on terror."
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