Owning the means of production - what it says to me and how it leads to reframing the debate:
I find this of interest when dealing with how people see and view socialism in the U.S.(this from personal conversations and board surfing).
Here we have the appearance that a keystone of a great many things is related to owning the means of production (to an extent). This, from what I have seen in my time, is the reason when people hear the term 'socialist/socialism' they get a little freaked. If the government owned the MOP then they have more power then the people and effecting change becomes difficult.
Now to reframe the debate we take the other side of things and start kicking ass with it: corp. repubs (or perhaps corp neo-cons). People fear losing power to others and having it concentrated, especially when that power is 'government' based.
So we need to explain over time how it was the dems who have tried to put power into the hands of the many (unions, et al), tempered with good social based programs to benefit the many (and hence empowering them) and it has been the dems who wanted a balance of power between people, companies, and government whereas the neo-cons want to eliminate social things which help many, bust up unions, and concentrate power into both government and corporations.
We are the party of freedom.We are the party of ALL the people who make up this country. We realize and understand there are many different people with many different abilities and talents and if you are a member of this country you are worth more than what you can make in dollars. That is compassion to me. It is not a desire to hold some back from getting more, it is the desire to insure all have a basic life wherein they can live, eat, have healthcare, and so on.
We as a society agree that at birth we have certain rights and protections - because we consider ourselves civilized. As the world has changed the needs have changed and extending the rights we already have is a move towards more freedom for all, not less.
The neo-cons want a world based solely on performance and competition where the resources we all need to live are controlled by those who can own them and sell them to us for a profit. This versus a more progressive view that the lives of many are more important then the profits of a few - but that does not mean we reject competition and corporations. We seek (to me anyway) a fair balance that benefits all the people. A more socialist society is meant to benefit all the people and give a fair living to them while allowing people to advance and have more, whereas the neo-cons want a war like existence where we must all battle constantly to survive.
We want team work between us all, they want a military style government and life where most are soldiers and there are a few generals. Like a pyramid scheme in a sense. You can only have so many at the top. That is not a level field that works out best for the whole.
While we can still have people at the top, and rich people, business owners, et al, we have gotten to a point in this country where you have no choice but to live and play by one small set of rules. To survive in this war like atmosphere the method requires you suit up and go fight while the talents of some are not based on fighting to survive - that is to say one is willing to fight in a general sense but are limited in what battles they can fight in because it has been narrowed by a few generals. You are only worth, to these people, the amount of money and goods you can control.
So when neo-cons say they are a party of freedom and oppurtunity I call bullshit. They are a party of limited freedoms for the few and oppurtunity only exist within the army and war they have constructed for us to live in.
We will take this country back when the message is clearly heard and understood by the people - we got your backs, they only have theirs and they tell us by letting them do as they want we all benefit.
Sorry for the long, disjointed rambling as I am extremely tired. I should have written this later but such is life, might as well click post and pray :)