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babsbunny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 07:30 PM
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Please check out Bradblog
Republican Blogger suggests Fraud a Possibility in Clermont County!
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 07:35 PM
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1. Thanks, babsbunny, and from a repug no less!
"While you may think Democrats cry wolf on election fraud at the drop of the hat, and I agree, suspicion of the results from Clermont County in Ohio is reasonable based on what's happened there in the last year. What am I talking about? Within the last year, in this one county, there has been; an FBI investigation, a "second draft" of voting results, and yesterday's "machine breakdown".

I am one of those "kossacks" who thinks that the election irregularities in Clermont county are not a fluke. Before you write me off as a lunatic, please just look at the following situation;

1. The FBI investigated allegations of fraud made by some involved in the vote counting process in this county in 2004.

2. There were also irregularities in this county in the GOP primary this year, favoring Schmidt. From the Enquirer:

"When all seven counties had reported their votes to the Hamilton County Board of Elections Tuesday night, Schmidt led McEwen by 705 votes. But when Hamilton County Elections Director John Williams came to work Wednesday morning, he found a second corrected version of Clermont County's final results on his fax machine.

The new totals increased Schmidt's lead to 2,667 votes. Williams said Clermont County officials explained to him that one of their workers accidentally marked an earlier report with the word "final'' and sent it to the Hamilton County board, where all the county reports were being collected."

lots more...
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ClusterFreak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 07:46 PM
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2. Fraud? In Ohio? Pshaw!!
...he said dripping with sarcasm....

I always thought it was weird that Hackett and Schmidt were neck and neck all night...and then as soon as they hit her home district, boom(!)....machines break down because of, um, humidity....a hand count begins....suddenly she's crossed the tape with him eating her dust. Nevermind the fact it was her home district, and you should expect her to win her home district.

Why was her home district the last to be counted?? Why? Are we just supposed to accept that as a coincidence? Why the voter machine breakdown? They've never been operated in humid weather before?? Gimme a break.

It's Ohio. November 2nd....Ohio....hello????!!!!!!

Whether or not there was actually any least questions should be asked....there IS after all precedent here!

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