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Anti-terrorism: Clinton Vs Bush

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SoCalifer Donating Member (652 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:37 PM
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Anti-terrorism: Clinton Vs Bush
President Clinton:

-- sent legislation to Congress to TIGHTEN AIRPORT SECURITY. (Remember, this is before 911) The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.

-- sent legislation to Congress to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF TERRORIST FUNDING. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.

-- sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF EXPLOSIVES USED BY TERRORISTS. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.

-- Developed the nation's first anti-terrorism policy, and appointed first national coordinator.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up 12 U.S. jetliners simultaneously.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up UN Headquarters.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up FBI Headquarters.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up the Israeli Embassy in Washington.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up Boston airport.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up Lincoln and Holland Tunnels in NY.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up the George Washington Bridge.

-- Stopped cold the planned attack to blow up the US Embassy in Albania.

-- Tried to kill Osama bin Laden and disrupt Al Qaeda through preemptive strikes (efforts denounced by the G.O.P.).

-- Brought perpetrators of first World Trade Center bombing and CIA killings to justice.

-- Did not blame Bush I administration for first World Trade Center bombing even though it occurred 38 days after they had left office. Instead, worked hard, even obsessively -- and successfully -- to stop future terrorist attacks.

-- Named the Hart-Rudman commission to report on nature of terrorist threats and major steps to be taken to combat terrorism.

-- Tripled the budget of the FBI for counterterrorism and doubled overall funding for counterterrorism.

-- Detected and destroyed cells of Al Qaeda in over 20 countries

-- Created a national stockpile of drugs and vaccines including 40 million doses of smallpox vaccine.

-- Robert Oakley, Reagan Counterterrorism Czar says of Clinton's efforts "Overall, I give them very high marks" and "The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama"

-- Paul Bremer, Bush's Administrator of Iraq disagrees slightly with Robert Oakley saying he believed the Clinton Administration had "correctly focused on bin Laden. "

-- Barton Gellman of the Washington Post put it best, "By any measure available, Clinton left office having given greater priority to terrorism than any president before him" and was the "first administration to undertake a systematic anti-terrorist effort."

Good Job President Bill Clinton.

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Liberal Ohioan Donating Member (53 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:41 PM
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1. Amen to that
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SoCalifer Donating Member (652 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:46 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. HI Ohioan
Welcome to DU.. :hi:
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bufffbison Donating Member (384 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:48 PM
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3. recommended! KICK!
nice read there!
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AJH032 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:51 PM
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4. that's weird...
the republicans say 9/11 is Bill Clinton's fault. And they wouldn't lie...would they?
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Caleb Donating Member (251 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 08:51 PM
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5. Great post!
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AuntiBush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 09:35 PM
Response to Original message
6. President Clinton....
All is forgiven. Please, come back -- like NOW!

Good post. How true. But hey, we're the reality-based side of the aisle, not the jacka$$e$$ on the other side. :spray:

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onebox30 Donating Member (67 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 09:52 PM
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7. Pro-terrorism: Reagan Vs All Other Presidents (nt)
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wli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 09:57 PM
Response to Original message
8. hmm, I'm suspicious
I'm not convinced anything called "terrorism" is ever properly represented in official sources. I'm not entirely clear on what these attacks and/or planned attacks were, but I pretty much reject the official story out of hand.
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Imagevision Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-05-05 11:16 PM
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9. Excellant post and recommended!
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catzies Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-06-05 07:29 PM
Response to Original message
10. And the incoming Bush Administration ignored the Hart-Rudman report
and then later lied and said they were never warned.
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