You really get a sense of how strange and outrageous this situation is, if you read the whole story, called "Big Oil's obscene profits." The "upper levels" of both Parties really do get so entrenched in the privileged-but-hectic lives of official Washington D.C. and jetting around travelling, that they are effectively like ghosts to us now, flitting around, appearing and seeming, but never responding to us, unaware of our existence now. A story like this, telling of the desperate situation faced by so many Americans--people who cannot afford to drive to their minimum-wage jobs, so wealthy capitalists can price-gouge them--as corporate "D"LC pseudo-Democrats actually do not care.
This is the type, as you mentioned, "so afraid of being labeled 'anti-business' " that they go completely the other way, all the time, always. Always make sure to start off with some phrase like, "There's no law against making money"....Not any more there ain't; that's the problem. There are no laws for those people. This really began with Clinton, this attitude of total capitulation: when Clinton might have clamped down on media exploitation, we got instead the "V-chip" so rich people could buy new technology--from more capitalists. Clinton even weakened the health warning on the sides of cigarette packs, for the tobacco industry; unheard of before. Anything to avoid enacting laws. People like this eventually convince themselves that the President has nothing to do with the economy, and can't stop any of these processes, now called "natural"--even though releasing stocks from the Emergency Petroleum Reserve, enforcing regulations to increase fuel efficiency, and encouraging alternative energy sources would've given immediate, huge relief.
No, our problem is not that Republicans are so "brilliant" with their propaganda, or that we are "too liberal," as the corporate props all say. It is that nothing is answered, nothing is addressed, they don't even appear to know anything about us or our problems anymore, and they don't dare risk losing that corporate campaign money. It ain't tricky, and it ain't Republican "skill"--a group that got where they are by threats, lies, bribes, redistrcting, and commercializing the counting of votes, now run by their friends. Democrats, meanwhile, say nothing, except, like servants, to be endlessly ingratiating. There is no relief from any corporate exploitation of the people anymore--on one side, an Administration made up of oil executives, and on the other, a kind of cult that believes that law itself is bad, and like free agents pursuing careers, are more concerned about their images and their contracts than anything relating to the "audience."