1 - Posted by: howard227, 8/6/2005 4:32:26 PM
I can't think of a better way to dishonor the memory of a child
Reply 6 - Posted by: hisself, 8/6/2005 4:41:03 PM
Good question, lady. Why did an American patriot die, when there are leftist scum like you who deserve it much more??
Bring that treasonous bus to Jacksonville, NC, and see how long it lasts.
Reply 7 - Posted by: Sherlock, 8/6/2005 4:42:46 PM
Mother, how much money are you getting for your protest?? makes one wonder.
Reply 9 - Posted by: perfectsense, 8/6/2005 4:51:04 PM
Why did my son die?
So you don't have to wear a Burka when protesting.
Reply 10 - Posted by: ccyr, 8/6/2005 4:52:01 PM
Could soldiers, when they enter the military, please tell their mothers that if something happens to them, please don't act like stupid idiots. This soldier is in heaven wishing that he had been aborted so that he wouldn't have had to have such a pathetic loser of a mother.
Reply 13 - Posted by: Freedomlover, 8/6/2005 4:56:45 PM
And when will AP be covering the story of mothers, daughters, and spouses who want America to hear that they are proud of their son or daughter died for for their country? Answer:never or when Hillary becomes President, whichever comes first.
Reply 15 - Posted by: Scotty, 8/6/2005 5:04:37 PM
Oh goody, yet another traitorous uber-patriot...methinks her bus is missing a crescent moon on it.
Reply 16 - Posted by: N oBrain, 8/6/2005 5:05:34 PM
Hey, lady. You just made Karl Rove's list.
Reply 18 - Posted by: Joe Friday, 8/6/2005 5:13:52 PM
Ignorance is bliss they say!
I'm deeply sorry for the Mothers loss.
However i'm doubly sorry for her allowing the rabid left to use her grief and the heroics of her son to lend support to the vile supporters of terrorism!
Reply 20 - Posted by: PAULB, 8/6/2005 5:45:59 PM
You son died because the president lied....about having a reason to start a war. But hey, hopefully we'll get to use some of that Iraqi oil. Isn't THAT worth some american least to the president who doesn't have ANY family members fighting the war.
Reply 22 - Posted by: Anner40, 8/6/2005 6:03:21 PM
She certainly does dishonor her son....he would not want to see her on that bus bashing his Commander-in-Chief. God bless him and his comrades.
Reply 26 - Posted by: youngtexan, 8/6/2005 6:17:02 PM
Spc. Sheehan was in HHB 1/82 FA at Fort Hood. My husband worked with him and he knows him personally. Too bad his mom is doing this.
Reply 31 - Posted by: usmcsarge, 8/6/2005 6:44:31 PM
I can see why #20 is a journalist. He has such original thoughts - Bush lied!
Old Marine Sarge
Reply 32 - Posted by: bakajin, 8/6/2005 6:44:43 PM
She seems to have forgotten that WE WERE ATTACKED! Maybe, she needs to climb into a Burqua, and pray to Allah 5 times per day, and get all of her female relatives out of school, but remember: These same thugs will still want to kill ALL of us, includeing her, and her kin.
Reply 34 - Posted by: casual observer, 8/6/2005 7:07:58 PM
wow....some people STILL think that iraq was involved with 9-11, as evidenced by this "we were attacked" mantra.
like it or not, the main reason for us being there is the stability question of the middle east. the reason we care about stability in that area is that we need cheap oil (not necessarily from iraq, but from everywhere else in the area).
if you frame the question in the context of "what are you willing to sacrifice in order to keep the lifestyle of cheap motoring, cheap travel, 50 mile commutes, and far-flung suburbs?" to Americans, i think 95% or more would be in-favor of what we are doing right now.
Reply 37 - Posted by: god of irony, 8/6/2005 7:48:11 PM
Maybe he died be he was distracted from doing his job because he was too concerned about his nut mom.
#20, Bush men voluntarily served during two wars. What have you done that earned you the right to trash my Commander-in-Chief whith jihadi supporting lies?
Reply 38 - Posted by: Zarin, 8/6/2005 8:11:21 PM
CBS news aired bits from that protest tonight. The poor obsessed woman was saying that President Bush killed her son - that is almost an exact quote. I'm sorry but that is just deranged. This illogical thinking of the Left is getting to be too much. It is so overwrought and lame.
And yes - we are in Iraq because we were attacked - our response to 9/11 started the ball rolling. And yes, there were definitive links between Saddam and the terrorists. Containment wasn't going to work any more for Saddam - we had to do something. And hey - the rest of the world - especially the poorer nations need 'cheap' oil more than we do in the US.
Reply 41 - Posted by: mp4747, 8/6/2005 11:24:45 PM
It's unfortunate that the one with the brains in the family had to die.
Reply 42 - Posted by: ivehadit, 8/6/2005 11:52:57 PM
To those who want to bash our Commander-in-Chief, it is precisely because you don't understand what we are doing in Iraq, that we *never* ever want you in power.
Or in charge of my and my family's safety.
Reply 43 - Posted by: Mo Gumbo, 8/7/2005 1:55:57 AM
Is this 'Bush lied' mantra crowd what became of the cymbal-chinging, airport-clogging hari krishna dorks? I wondered where they all went.
Reply 44 - Posted by: WhamDBambam, 8/7/2005 10:55:55 AM
Like flies, leftist site pests are drawn to death.