1.) Clark said he didn't go to Yale (ala Kerry, Lieberman, and bu*h). He stated his parents couldn't have afforded to send him there and he had to work his way through college.
Media Whore spin: Clark went to West Point where tuition is free for students.
Truth: Guess what Whores, Yale is NOT FREE, and on top of tuition parents have to pay room and board. West Point was where Wes wanted to go anyway, but it was a lot more economical for him and his parents.
2.) Clark stated that he was the only person who grew up poor among the Dem candidates. Now, how many times do we all forget to include something or someone in our dialogs with others? I don't know about the rest of you but it's quite a bit. Clark corrected himself, AND APOLOGIZED) later, which of course he's not being given credit for.
Media Whore spin: Clark's campaign has foundered on his never-ending succession of bloopers! (Al Gore redux anybody?)
Media Whore spin: One whore said she'd seen the house where Clark grew up in Little Rock and she wondered if the neighbors would agree that they're poor.
Truth: Clark and his mother first lived with his grandparents. After a number of years his mother remarried and Clark and his mom lived with his step-dad. What I've read is that while the step-dad was very kind and loving to Wes and his mom, he was a kind of nere-do-well and didn't provide much for the family. Wes's mother had to keep working full time. She was a secretary in a bank. I don't think these people were wealthy.
I know the media whores are desperate to get Wes out of the race, but if a couple of inocuous statements, one of which was true (similar to his statement about being a General while Kerry is a Lieutenant after being set-up by Dole) turn the voters against him, WE'RE IN TROUBLE PEOPLE!