At the top of the hour at 4PM Central, Wolf did a story on the death of Peter Jennings. As part of the story, Wolf was reporting about the "Blogosphere" talking about the eminent death of Peter Jennings over the weekend. As a part of the report, Wolfie showed a screen shot of the Search Engine they use at CNN to Search the Blogosphere. He did this to show that Peter Jennings' name was #1. #5 on the screen was "Cindy Sheehan"
The screenshot was visible for about 5 seconds. The fact that "Cindy Sheehan" was #5 on the list of CNN's Search Engine for most hits over the weekend is a BIGGER STORY than the Death of the World Famous Peter Jennings who you would expect to be talked about. Wolf(CNN) didn't mention Cindy or her protest at Crawford. I'm watching the rest of his report to see if he brings up this topic.
IF anyone has TIVOed CNN 4PM Central news, please get a screen capture of this report that SHOWS "Cindy Sheehan" as the 5th MOST ACTIVE Search on the web over the weekend.
It is 15 minutes into his report and no mention so far. I will update this thread if he does the story!