I've been saying this all along. No matter who gets the nomination we Democrats owe a heap of thanks to Dr Dean for waking up our party. But for Howard Dean I shudder to think they would still be dancing in their tutus for Bush and kissing his ring at every opportunity. The only one who doesn't seem to get it is Sloe Lieberman.
Dean message catches on with other candidates
Knight Ridder Newspapers
DURHAM, N.H. - Regardless of who wins the New Hampshire primary Tuesday, in one sense Howard Dean already has won a very important battle - the one for the rhetorical soul of the Democratic Party.
Listen to North Carolina Sen. John Edwards at a rally the other night: "You have the power" - a direct steal of Dean's rally-ending tagline. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts said at another New Hampshire event that he wanted to "break the grip of the powerful interests in this country and put the people in charge." Both men bash insiders, Washington politicians and the establishment - even if they themselves are some or all of the above.
Those themes, sometimes the exact words, echo what Dean has been saying for months. Whoever wins the Democratic presidential nomination, to an important degree he will sound like the former Vermont governor. A little plagiarism among friends is par for the course in presidential politics, where the rule is if a message works, use it.
Tension between insiders and outsiders has animated New Hampshire primaries at least since 1968, when insurgent Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota spooked President Lyndon B. Johnson with his antiwar message and strong second-place finish, eventually driving the incumbent from the race.
(Knight Ridder correspondents Dana Hull in New Hampshire